You Get In A Fight -Part 2

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Two weeks had passed since that phone call. You didn't want to mope around the house so instead you took on some extra shifts at work and studied your ass off for school. It did make you a bit sad that Ashton hasn't tried to call or text you but than again, you hardly had time to check your phone.

He's probably out with that girl just having the time of his life. He's not thinking about me at all.

"Y/N, I need you to work late for me again tonight. Is that okay?" Your boss asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.

You smiled, "No, it's no big deal."

Your boss felt bad because it was the 4th time this week that she had asked you to stay and work for her. She gave you a sympathetic smile, "Are you sure? I can always find someone else."

You shook your head, "No, I don't mind at all. I need the extra money anyway. Go home and get some rest."

She thanked you and handed you the keys to the building so you can close up. You set the keys aside and continued to work in your office, occasionally saying goodbye to your co-workers who were leaving. Hours went by and you had finished you and your boss' work. You slowly gathered your stuff together and turned all the lights off before locking the front doors of the building.

"Y/N," a familiar voice whispered behind you. Screaming, you quickly turned around with your fist ready to swing at whoever was behind you. It was Ashton.

You sighed out of relief and put your hand down, "What do you want?" You fixed the strap of your purse that was hanging over your shoulder and began to walk, knowing Ashton would follow you.

"Well, I would've came sooner but we had shows to play before we had a few days off."

You rolled your eyes, not even turning around to face Ashton, "You had shows to play or you had that girl to please?"

"Shows to play," Ashton answered, "as soon as our last show ended, I got straight on an airplane to come here. I got to our apartment and your stuff was gone."

You kept walking and you didn't want to stop. You didn't want Ashton to see the tears that had begin to form in your eyes, "That tends to happen when you cheat on someone you say you love. It's not our apartment anymore, okay? It's your apartment. I went ahead and paid your next months bills, so you're welcome."

Ashton grabbed your arm. You tried to break out of his grip but he was too strong. He pulled you into a nearby alleyway and gently pushed you against the brick wall. The streetlight giving off enough light to see that his face not too far from yours.

"Please, just give me a second chance. I know I broke your heart and I'm sorry. I can't apologize enough even though my apologies mean nothing to you. I love you and only you. That girl meant nothing to me. But you, you mean absolutely everything to me. I know it doesn't make up for what I did but I swear that I will make it up to you no matter how long it will take," Ashton's voice started to crack, "Please just...don't leave me."

You couldn't make eye contact with him. Instead, you looked over at the street and watching the cars go by, "Ashton, I can't. Even if I did take you back I would be that girlfriend that is always texting you asking where you are and when you'll be home. I'd be that girlfriend that waits up and expects you to be home at that exact time. I'd be that girlfriend that looks over your shoulder reading your texts or ask you who is calling. I'd be that girlfriend that doesn't trust you and that's not fair to you."

Ashton grabbed your face and made you look at him, "I'd rather have you be that girlfriend than to not have you at all."

You shook your head, "What's a relationship without trust, Ashton? Be realistic. One of us is bound to get tired of it."

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