Ashton Imagine Part 2

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Just as requested, here is Ashton's imagine part 2! Sorry for the long wait, I wanted to make it perfect but I feel like I rushed through it. Also, sorry for any spelling errors. Much love. Xx

Three days have passed since the incident with Ashton. I haven't heard a word from him. I don't know why I expected too. I decided to stay with my best friend for a few days. The night Ashton told me to leave, I was a wreck. My shirt was soaked from my own tears, mascara and eyeliner smeared all over my face, and my best friend couldn't make out what I was saying through the sobs. So I had to tell her the next day.

The last two days have consisted of work and going home to eat, do my online classes, and watch Netflix all night. My best friend works overnights and I'm alone majority of the time. I hate being alone, especially now because all I think about is what happened. I was still in love with Ashton, no doubt about that. I miss him and his dorky laughs. I miss seeing his smile when I walked through the door. I miss him running up to me just to give me a hug and a kiss. I miss him taking me down to the music room and showing me his new songs he had finished. I miss the way his eyes would light up when he talked about music, his fans, and being on tour. I miss him showing off on the drums when he knew I was watching him. I miss his kisses, his cuddles, his warmth, his soft snores in the early morning, I even miss the sound of his heavy breathing when he fell asleep. I miss everything about him. I missed him.

My phone beeped and I quickly checked to see who had texted me. It was my boss. I slumped down, upset that it wasn't Ashton.

Boss: Can you come into work right now? One of the workers just quit.

So annoying. I replied back that I would be in, in about fifteen minutes. Going to work beats sitting at home all by myself and getting even more depressed. I got up off the couch, for the first time in a few hours, and went to put on my work uniform. Nothing like working at the local diner and having to wear uniform.

When I get to work, my boss walks up to me and thanks me for picking up the extra shift. I needed the money anyways. I had been at work for over two hours and was in the middle of cleaning up the counter when I heard someone clear their throat. Without looking up, I ask, "What can I get for you?"

I look up just seconds later and see Ashton standing before me with a dozen roses in his hands and a hopeful smile on his face. My heart begins to race and I try my hardest to not jump over the counter and embrace him. I stand there and cross my arms, "What can I get for you?"

His smile drops. He looks like a train wreck. There were dark purple bags under his eyes that seemed to be puffy and red from long, sleepless nights of crying. His hair was tangled and wild. I couldn't believe the damage I was seeing.

"I um," he was rubbing the back of his neck, "I came to apologize."

I rolled my eyes and walked over towards an empty and dirty table, knowing Ashton was following right behind me, "It's going to take a lot more than apologies, Ashton."

He grabbed my arm and I turned to look at him. I stared at him and waited for him to talk. "I want to properly make it up to you. What time are you off?"

I glance up at the clock and say that I'm off in another three hours. Ashton says, "Come over and we'll talk, okay?" I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know."

"Please?" He begged, his voice cracking.

I sighed, "Okay."

I know all I've been wanting is to talk to Ashton, but I also wasn't going to give in so easily. That just makes him think it's okay to treat me like he did over and over again. He'll know that I'll come running back after every time he says sorry.

"Oh, here." Ashton handed me the roses that he was holding. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks as I took the flowers from him. He gently kissed me on the cheek and told me that he would see me tonight and then left. One of my usual costumers, who is in her late seventies, began talking to me about how she knows how much Ashton loves me. She can tell by the look in his eyes when he looks at me. She also began to tell me stories about her and her husband. They've been together for over fifty years and still going strong. I told her about what happened and she gave me some advice. She was a wise old woman and definitely taught me a few things.

Before I knew it, it was time to go talk to Ashton. I was nervous and curious at the same time. My heart began to pound against my rib cage when I pulled into the driveway. I could see Ashton peeking through the window. I took a deep breath before exiting my car and going inside.

"Hey," Ashton said, "I'm happy you're here."

I looked around the house. Not only did Ashton look bad but so did the inside of the house. He took notice of what I was looking at, "Sorry about the mess. It's been a bad few days."

I bit down on my lip to hold back a sarcastic remark. I decided to cut right to the chase, "I'm here. So talk." Ashton was taken by surprise by my sternness. He gathered himself up and began, "Right. Well, I went through this conversation and what I would say to you, in my mind, over and over again and I don't think anything can or will make up for what I've said and done to you. I don't know why I treated you so poorly. I've tried to come up with excuses and there isn't any. I've replayed our fight on a loop and I can't get the look on your face, when I told you to leave, out of my head." At this point, Ashton had a few tears and his voice was cracking again, "I'm in love with you and I've never felt this way about a woman before. I don't care what I have to do to make up for what I've done and for what I've said to you. I will do anything you want or ask of me. Just....please come back home."

I didn't say anything. My brain was still processing everything that he's said. I've never seen Ash cry before. I'm surprised I've kept myself together like I have. Just as I was snapping out of my thinking process, Ashton added, "If you want nothing to do with me, I under-" I didn't let him finish. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and firmly pressed our lips together, moving in sync and molding together like a puzzle piece. Ashton's arms snakes around my waist and his fingers were tracing invisible shapes on the bottom of my spine. He broke the kiss but rested his forehead against mine, our noses just barely touching. I looked up at him but his eyes were closed.

"Does this mean that you're coming home?"

I was wiping his fresh tears away and said, "I'm coming back home."

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