He Chooses His Girlfriend Over You Part 3/Luke

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He Chooses His Girlfriend Over You, Part 3: Luke.
So I had a request to do a part 3 of this from hellalozr
I hope you enjoy!

Not long after your interview, your Twitter was blowing up but you didn't want to see what people were saying about it. You didn't want to stress over it anymore, not right now. Every time you got to thinking about the situation the more it angered you. You worked your ass off to land the opening act for 5 Seconds Of Summer and it was ruined by some girl who hated you for whatever reason. You were not going to let that stop you from accomplishing your dream. You spent most of your days in the studio and traveling around the country and writing in fields or wherever you found inspiration. You wanted to take your time on an album to make sure everything was perfect from lyrics to sound. It bothered you that Luke never tried to contact you. In fact, he was still with Taylor after everything that happened. You always saw her tweets with pictures of them together with some shitty Taylor Swift love song caption (I actually like her music tho).

One hot summer afternoon, you made a quick Starbucks run before you went to the studio. As you were ordering, you heard a familiar voice that you've missed.


"Calum, hey!" You smiled, turning around and opening your arms to him.

"Hey, how have you been?"

You two made small talk while he finished ordering and he asked, "So, what brings you around New York City?"

"I'm in the studio downtown. I came here before I go there now actually," you checked the time and realized that you were running a little late.

Calum's eyes shot open, "We're there too, we're recording a new song that Luke wrote. We can all hang out and maybe write a song together."

Your smile faded and your muscles tensed. Your heart began to pound against your rib cage, blood started to boil in anger. Calum read your body language and added, "Unless you don't want to. We can walk there together and pretend we never saw each other...but I mean, I don't want to do that because I miss hanging out with you," he smiled hopefully, with the face you never could say no to. That face got you into so much trouble in the bars because he would beg you to do more shots with him and the night ended with you not knowing what your name was.

You rolled your eyes and groaned, "Fine."

"Yay!" He clapped and grabbed your hand to drag you out of Starbucks and into the streets where you began to walk and talk your entire way to the studio.

Calum swung open the door which interrupted whatever Michael was talking about and caused everybody to look at Calum. He said, "So, I ran into a woman at Starbucks today."

You could feel the confusion in the air before Calum stepped out of the way and revealed you to the boys. You were astonished by how much two months can change someone. Michael has a beard going on, Ashton got more buff, if that was even possible. Luke lost his lip ring but couldn't ditch his bitch of a girlfriend, considering she was sitting on his lap, glaring at you.

You awkwardly waved and softly said, "Hello."

Michael and Ashton engulfed you into a hug, almost squeezing the life out of your lungs as they kept saying how much they missed you. When they finally pulled away, the attention was put on your and Luke and Taylor. Nothing was said out of either of your mouths. Calum coughed and slapped his hands together, "So we decided to write a song together."

Ashton and Michael were all up for it but Luke didn't say much of anything because he was too busy playing with Taylor's hair and giggling with her. You were going to try to keep your comments to yourself tonight. You told yourself that you were the bigger person in this situation and that before the night was done, Taylor would make an ass out of herself.

"So I was thinking that maybe we could throw both of our styles into the lyrics and the sound of the song. Have a soft pop sound but throw in some punk beats," you were explaining your ideas for the song while the three boys were explaining their ideas. You were playing around with the sound board and Ashton was figuring out a rock beat on his drums, Michael and Calum were tuning their instruments. What was Luke doing? Absolutely nothing. You were growing frustrated because you and the other three boys were working your asses off and he wasn't doing anything but being up Taylor's ass. You couldn't hold it in anymore, "Luke, are you even going to contribute or are you too busy up Taylor's ass? We have a verse of a song written, we're trying to figure out the sound, and you're doing nothing."

Luke remained silent but Taylor was going to fight his battle for him, "Oh (Y/N), why are you trying so hard to be somebody? You left your only chance to become relevant."

You looked at her like she was an annoying gnat that wouldn't leave you alone, "I think all that bleach from your hair has rotten your brain."

"Here you are again, trying to ride to fame on my boyfriend's back." She smirked as she ran her hands through Luke's hair. She got up from her seat before walking to your bag and pulling out papers filled with songs you've written, the songs you were originally supposed to record today. She read one out loud, "Why can't you see what you're doing to me. When I see you with her I push my feelings down deep. I'm in love with you." By now, you were completely frozen. She held up the paper and said, "Wow, you have it titled 'Luke'. You're in love with my boyfriend." You felt Luke's eyes on you but yours filled with tears.

"You think you have a chance with Luke? He would never go for someone like you. Why do you think he told you to leave the tour in the first place?"

You felt warm tears roll down your cheek, every word she spoke felt like she was stabbing you in the heart with a knife.

"That's enough!" Luke yelled at Taylor.

You were embarrassed and pissed off. Especially when you saw Taylor rip every song sheet you had in your bag into shreds. The songs that you wrote from the bottom of your heart, you put everything you felt into those songs and now they lay in tiny pieces on the floor. Everybody stood there in shock, but not Taylor. She stood with a proud smile plastered on her face.

You looked at Luke and decided to pour your heart out to him, "It's true, I am in love with you. I fell in love with you the first night I joined you on your when stayed up all night talking about ourselves and laughed and took a midnight drive to McDonald's. I was going to tell you a few months after that night but when I went to tell you, this monster," you pointed at Taylor, "was introduced to me as your girlfriend. It was hard seeing you with her because I was heartbroken. I deserved it though, you didn't know because I never told you until now. There's a lot of stuff I didn't tell you because you either wouldn't believe me because you were so blindly in love with Taylor. But yes Luke, I'm still in love with you, after all of this. So those songs won't be hard to rewrite because I wrote them from the heart."

There was a long, very uncomfortable pause from everybody. You were about to leave before Luke spoke up, "You were wrong about one thing."

You looked at him confused, "What?"

As he took long strides towards you, he said, "I was never in love with Taylor," and he pressed his lips against yours, fitting together like a puzzle piece. You never thought such passion existed until Luke kissed you. It felt like magic.

You heard Calum, Ashton, and Michael cheering in the background like their favorite team just won the game.

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