You Get Drunk & Start A Fight

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"Ashton, I don't want to drink. We discussed this before leaving the house." You groaned. You were rubbing your temples in annoyance while trying to tell your boyfriend that you don't drink anymore for twentieth time.

"Why not? It's your birthday and everybody is buying you shots." Ashton tried to reason with you. You had to admit that it was slowly working but you held your ground.

"And I told them to buy me dollar tacos instead. Nobody listens to me."

"Please," Luke stuck his bottom lip out in a pout, "don't waste our money. Take the shots."

"If you're worried about a hangover-," Michael began to say before you interrupted, "I'm not worried about a hangover. If I get drunk tonight you guys will not like it."

Calum decided to finally put his two cents in and say, "We've never seen you drunk. Please?"

Soon enough, you had four boys pouting around you. So you gave in. You took shots after shots and were chugging down bottles of beer. You knew you were plastered and that you had made a terrible mistake by succumbing to peer pressure. Michael and Calum were cheering you on while you took another drink and you slammed your bottle down, breaking the glass in the process. Your eyes scanned the large crowd for Ashton.

When you found him, you noticed that he was talking to another girl. Usually it doesn't bother you but you weren't thinking clearly. You thought they were too close together for your liking so you nudged Luke, "Who the hell is that girl?"

Right then, Michael picked out some heavy music on the jukebox and you heard Luke answer, "Oh, that's just his ex."

You stumbled your way over to Ashton and slurred your words, "Listen, I don't know who the fuck you think you are but Ashton isn't interested in you."

The girl's eyes grew in size as she glanced towards Ashton for help. He grabbed a hold of your waste and tried to say something but you roughly grasped the girls face and turned her attention towards you, "No, you look at me when I'm talking to you. You need to leave Ashton alone."

The girl then shoved your hands off her face that made something in your head snap and you lunged at her. Luckily, Ashton picked you up before you could physically do anything to harm her. You picked up a barstool and started shouting slurred threats and trying to catch your balance from the quick movements.

The music stopped and all eyes were on the scene before them. Michael took the barstool from you and set it down away from you, "What the hell is going on? We were having a good time!"

You were in the process of tying your hair up, the best that you could, and said, "I'm about to fuck this girl up. That's what's happening."

Ashton raised his voice, "What the hell are you on about?"

You matched his pitch, "That bitch is your ex-girlfriend. Luke said so."

Luke piped in by saying, "I said, 'that's his fan'!"

The bartender spoke up, "Ma'am, if you don't leave this bar right now I will have to call the police."

Michael then helped you out of the bar before he burst out laughing, "Were you really about to beat up one of our fans with a barstool?"

You started sobbing when you saw how angry Ashton looked when he walked out with Luke and Calum.

"You're never drinking again," Ashton spat before getting into the drivers seat. You felt awful and could only imagine how the fans are reacting.

You quietly got in the passenger seat after bidding your goodbyes to the guys. Nothing was said for a while before you broke the silence, "Are you mad at me?"

Ashton was gripping the steering wheel and at first you thought he wasn't going to answer you but he sighed, "Yes. I know we pressured you into drinking after you warned us but you had no right to act out like that."

Again, you started crying because you hate the way you were feeling right now. Your boyfriend was beyond mad at you and his fans were going to go berserk when they hear about what you did. It made you feel small.

Ashton took notice and grabbed your hand, "Baby, don't cry. Everything will be fine. We'll get through this."

"We? Ashton, you didn't do anything wrong. I was about to beat up a fan with a barstool. There is no coming back from that. You can just pull over and I'll live in a box like Squidward did."

Ashton smiled, "They took his box."

You cried even harder, "You're not helping! I'm saying that you should just break up with me now because your entire fan base hates my guts and I don't want them to treat you different for keeping me around. I'm a terrible person."

Ashton then stopped the car and turned in his seat to look at you, "I explained to the fan what had happened. I told her that you warned us about what happens when you get too much alcohol in your system and that we forced you to. She was more mad at us than she was at you."

"I should have apologized," you frowned.

"She was too scared to encounter you after the barstool."

So I know it's poop but it's an update. I got lazy at the end

I had asked for ideas and I'm still in the process of writing them but like I've said, I suck sometimes so make sure to comment and tell me that I suck 😂

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