He Cheats On You-Luke Hemmings

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It had been a terrible day for you. This morning, you dropped your hot coffee all over you on your way to work. You got stuck in traffic and on top of that, your boss decided to be a dick and give you a hard time all day at work. Tiredly, you were driving back home thinking about taking a hot bubble bath with your boyfriend, Luke.

As you pulled into the driveway you noticed that all the lights were off.

Maybe he's at the studio late, you thought to yourself.

You walked inside the house, taking your shoes off and hanging your keys up on the key holder. You drug your feet all the way to the hallway closet to grab out two towels.

"Oh Luke," you heard a female moaning down the hall.

You stopped dead in your tracks and listened for a few seconds longer.

He better not be cheating on me.

You inched closer to the door at the end of the hall, hoping it's not what you thought it was. This would ruin you.

You slowly put your shaking hand on the doorknob and opened the door. You saw a girl, not just any girl, your best friend naked on top of Luke. Your eyes widened as your body froze.

"Y/N, it's not what it looks like!" Luke pushed your now ex-best friend off of him.

Your eyes filled with tears and your jaw clenched as you balled your hands into fists. "What the fuck is it than? Cause from my point of view it looks like you're fucking her."

You felt your heart shatter into tiny little pieces. Taking in the scene before you was hurting you worse by the second. Your heart felt like it was being stabbed repeatedly. You felt a few tears run down your cheeks but you quickly wiped them away.

"I'm just gonna go..." your ex-best-friend mumbled while picking up her scattered clothing.

Your eyes remained on Luke, glaring at him with every ounce of hate you had in your heart, "Yeah, you both should."

Luke's face fell. Little did you know, his heart broke as well.

"Y/N...I-I'm sorry. I never w-" he began but you cut him off.

"Get the fuck out, Luke. I mean it."

You couldn't look at him. His face held so much guilt and you would give in eventually. He cheated on you with not just anybody, it was your best friend. How could they both do that to you? I guess your feelings didn't matter to them.

You looked over at your 'friend' and said, "Never in a million years would I think that you would betray me like this. Lose my damn number."

She looked down at the floor, embarrassed and more than likely regretting the whole situation. But who knows what she was feeling. To you, she was nothing but a heartless bitch.

Luke was in the process of packing up a suitcase to stay at Michael's probably.

"Y/N, please, just hear me out.." Luke begged for my undivided attention.

I rolled my eyes at him. My sadness was just turning into pure anger. "Luke, how would you feel if you walked in on me and Michael fucking in our bed? Waking up one morning and everything going to complete shit and all you can think about is coming home to me only to find me naked on top of Michael? How would you feel?"

Luke just looked at me, "I'd be fucking pissed at both of you."

"Exactly. So don't try to act like I should be okay with everything." You had venom in your voice, you didn't care if it was hurting Luke or not. Obviously the whole situation was hurting him because you heard little sniffles coming from Luke.

Your heart breaking even more, if that was even possible. Hearing him crying was a weakness to you. You hated it when he would cry and you would always comfort him to tell him everything would be okay. This time, it took everything you had to keep yourself from going over and cuddling with him until he stopped.

"I love you, Y/N. Please remember that. I never meant to hurt you like this." Luke was full on sobbing by now.

He so badly wanted to touch you. He wanted to show you how much you meant to him. Wanted to explain to you that he just made a mistake. A mistake you would never forgive him for. He wanted to give you a hug but he knew he couldn't. It would be adding fuel to the fire.

"Luke, don't make this difficult." You were sitting at the end of the bed, rubbing your temples from the minor headache you were getting. Tears were threatening to spill again.

Luke squatted down in front of you and held your hands. You didn't look at him, you couldn't. You would give in to him and you didn't want to. He would think it's okay that he cheated on you.

He gently grabbed my chin and turned my head to look at him. Our eyes made contact and my heart instantly melted. Even after he cheated on me he can still make me feel so in love under his gaze. Is it bad that I wanted to kiss him right there?

"Y/N, I love you so much. I couldn't even describe my love for you in words. And I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am. I was a fucking ruthless dick and I honestly have no good explanation on why I cheated on you. But I can promise that it will never happen again. I will do anything I can to regain your trust. I promise that if you give me a second chance that you will never regret it. So please, will you give me another chance?"

It took you a few minutes to process what Luke had told you. Your trust for him was long gone. Should you forgive him for what he did, give him a second chance and risk the chance that he could put you through this again? You did really love Luke with all of your heart. You couldn't even think about your life without him. He became such a big part of it that it would bring you into tears just thinking if something happened between the two of you or him.

You let out a huge breath that you had no idea you were holding in, "You get one more chance Luke. One."

He smiled and began showering your face in kisses, "I love you so much."

You pushed him away slightly so you could look at him, "I'm serious Luke. You will have to work so hard to get my trust back."

"I promise," he held your hands in his and looked you straight in the eye, "I won't fuck this up again."

Sorry we haven't updated in a few days. I've been busy with working and I got a new puppy. He's a German Shepherd named Castiel. (:

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