He Watches The Kids.

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Preference: He watches the kids.

"You will call if you have any problems, right?" You asked Calum, making sure he understood. He just rolled his eyes, "Babe, we'll be fine. Get to work." You smiled and pecked his lips before exiting your shared home.

Once you had left, Calum picked up Y/D/N and set her in the highchair. "Let's see," he thought to himself aloud, looking through the cans of baby food, "Do you want to try the squash?" He looked over at Y/D/N and saw her shaking her head in disgust. "I don't blame you. I don't know why your mommy keeps buying that kind. Oops," he said as he 'accidentally' threw the can away, making the young child laugh.

"How about some bananas?" She nodded her head with a smile. He opened the can and grabbed a baby spoon, sitting down in front of her. Calum was making funny faces at her, loving the sound of his daughters laughter. After she was done eating, he picked her up and laid down with her on the couch, quickly falling asleep in her daddy's arms.


It was just Michael and his little baby girl in the house for a few hours and Y/D/N was upstairs playing in her room while Michael was watching a sporting game in the living room. He heard little feet paddling against the hardwood floor followed by a tiny voice, "Daddy?" His focus now on his 5 year-old daughter, "Yes princess?"

"I want to watch Paw Patrol." Michael groaned, clearly annoyed, "But sweetie, I'm watching the game." Y/D/N gave her daddy her best puppy dog eyes and stuck her bottom lip out in a pout, "Please daddy?" He rolled his eyes and started surfing through the channels until he heard the all too familiar theme song. His daughter jumped into his arms and began to sing along to the words.

"Daddy, I'm getting bored. Can we watch something else?" She was no longer interested in the T.V. show. Michael gave her a quick glance before turning back towards the television, "But-but pumpkin, they're about to save the cat from the tree." It was her turn to roll her eyes as she reached for the remote and turned it to something else. Michael sadly muttered, "Now I'll never know what happens."

Ashton: (His P.O.V.)

Y/N left for work early this morning, leaving me alone with our three year old son. Everything was going well, he was still sleeping and I was trying to write when all of a sudden, I heard crying. I ran up the stairs and found my son covered in vomit. "Awe, buddy. Come here," I said reaching down to pick him up. I ran the bath water and set him in the tub, quickly cleaning him up and got him dressed and got his bed sheets in the washing machine.

"Dada," Y/S/N kept repeating, holding his arms up for me to pick him up. You could tell by the look in his eyes that he was not feeling good at all. I picked him up and he rested his head on my shoulder while I was patting his back, hoping it would help sooth him. "Are ya hungry, buddy?" I felt him shake his head no. My heart was breaking because there was nothing I could do to help him feel any better.

I offered him some water that he gladly excepted. "Dada," he whined and pointed to the guitar, "play." I set Y/S/N down on the couch and he laid his head down on a pillow, his eyes were focused on my movements. I picked up the guitar and sat down a few feet before him, softly beginning to play a song. Before I knew it, my sick little man was fast asleep. I covered him up with a blanket, kissing his forehead, and going back to writing.


Luke had the day off from work so he decided to take his four year-old son to the park. You were working, sadly, so you couldn't tag along but you asked Luke to send you pictures of everything they did throughout the day. Only you didn't mean it literally.

Luke sent you a picture of him sitting on a swing with Y/S/N sitting on his lap with the caption: "Swinging with swag." Another picture came along of Luke and Y/S/N sitting on a bench eating ice cream. The next picture was a selfie of Luke with Y/S/N in the booster seat. And the pictures never stopped. Some of them were cute and others made you worry but you knew that Luke wouldn't let anything bad happen to your guys' son. Y/S/N was Luke's entire world and have been inseparable for as long as you could remember. It breaks Luke's heart when he has to go away and you notice a difference in your son when his daddy is away.

Your phone vibrated and a picture of your son sleeping on Luke's chest popped up. The caption said: "Sleepyhead 😴😴" You responded, " ❤️❤️❤️"

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