He's Your Brothers Best Friend-Calum Hood

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Imagine: He's your brothers best friend/Calum Hood.

You were scrolling through Facebook, on a Friday night, seeing that all your friends were having more fun than you, when you heard a knock on your door.

"Come in," you yelled at whoever. You didn't feel like getting up out of your bed just to open the door.

The door never opened, instead, you heard an unfamiliar voice apologize, "Sorry, I thought this was the bathroom door."

You jumped up out of bed and quickly opened your door to find a very tall and attractive boy standing in front of the doorway. He had short dark brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. He smiled at you and extended his hand, "Hi, I'm Calum."

You shook his hand, smirking at him, "Y/N, the bathroom is over there," you pointed towards the bathroom door. Calum looked at you confused before putting the pieces together, "Oh! I don't have to go anymore.." he was scratching the back of his neck, showing off his arm muscle.

"Did you go in your pants?" You wanted to joke around with him. It's how you show people that you're friendly. Apparently Calum didn't realize you were only messing around.

"Oh dear, no! You know how when you have to go to the bathroom really bad and you get there and the feeling goes away.."

Your laugh interrupted his rambling, "Calum, I was only kidding."

He took a deep breath, "Oh."

"So what are you doing here? Not to be rude or anything," you were curious. Obviously you didn't invite him over. You leaned your body against the doorframe and crossed your arms across your chest. Your stare was held on Calum.

"Y/B/N invited me over to play X-Box. Guy things." Calum hasn't really moved much from his previous position.

You weren't able to reply because Y/B/N had called up the stairs for Calum to hurry up. You were mentally cursing at your brother for ruining your socializing with his cute friend. Calum waved goodbye to you before disappearing down the stairs.

I hope he comes around more often, you thought to yourself.

*2 Months Later*

Y/B/N had been really busy with football practice and studying for tests at school causing Calum to follow you around school. You didn't mind much considering the two of you were growing closer and closer together. Your brother didn't like it and told you numerous times to stay away from him. Did you listen to him? Nope. You're a big girl who can make big girl decisions. That caused your brother to get infuriated with Calum. Y/B/N figured that since him and Calum were friends that Calum would stay away from his little sister. Only he couldn't help but start to like you. Eventually, Calum and Y/B/N went from being best friends to acquaintances. They wanted nothing to do with each other. You felt so bad because they were once so close and you couldn't help but blame yourself. Of course you were the cause of that but Calum reassured you that he didn't care.

A few weeks later, you had lost your virginity to Calum. You wanted to wait for someone special to take it, so you thought he should be the one to do it. Both of you decided that none of you would speak of it to anyone. You know how school works. You tell one person and soon enough the entire town knows about what you did. You knew it would get back to Y/B/N.

"Hey, Y/N." Calum greeted you at your locker before you went to lunch together.

You smiled, "Hey," you put everything in your locker and closed it before leaning against it.

"Ready to walk to lunch?"

"Let me use the bathroom real quick," you turned around and walked towards the bathroom door. Thankfully nobody was in there. You always had a problem with peeing while other people were in the bathroom. As you were washing your hands, you heard yelling and screaming coming from the hallway. You being nosy, quickly dried your hands and went to see all the commotion.

"Dude, you fucked my sister?!" You heard your brother raise his voice.

Oh no.

"Y/B/N, she wanted me to! You of all people should know that I would never purposely hurt her." Calum had his voice just as loud as your brother had his. You already knew that this wasn't going to turn out real pretty. By the time you reached the two of them, a crowd had surrounded them. You got between them mentally praying that it would help break them up from the fight you knew was about to happen.

"Bro code, dude. You were supposed to be my best friend and you fucked my sister?"

Well, there goes to keeping that a secrete, you thought.

"Y/B/N, stop!" You yelled, hoping it would actually work. But with your luck, it didn't even phase him.

"I wish I could say that I'm sorry but I'm not! I really like her, Y/B/N."

Calum just admitted that he liked you. Your heart melted at the words that just came out of his mouth. That's when everything started happening so fast. You had turned around to face your brother only to be met with his fist. You fell to the ground and already there was a pool of blood.

"Oh my God, Y/N. Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I meant to punch Calum," your brother was so frantic and you could hear the regret in his voice.

You put your hand over your nose and removed it to find the blood running down your arm. Your nose was bleeding bad. In fact, your nose might be broken.

Calum ripped off a part of his shirt and put it over your nose for you. He shot a glare towards your brother and mouthed, "Funny how you are worried about me hurting your sister."

Calum helped you up off the floor right as a few teachers were running up to find out what had happened.

"Sorry Mr. Allen, I tripped and hit my face on the ground," you lied. Even though you were pissed at your brother, you know he didn't mean to hit you.

"Calum, can you make sure she gets to the nurse?" One of the teachers asked.

Calum wrapped an arm around your waist as the both of you walked to the nurse. Your nose had stopped bleeding a little but Calum insisted on having your nose checked out still.

As the two of you were sitting in the office waiting for you to stop bleeding completely, Y/B/N came in. Calum tightened his grip on you, not trusting him around you.

"Okay, I came here to apologize." Your brother sat down across from you and Calum.

Both of you silent, waiting for him to continue on. He sighed, "First things first, Y/N, I'm so fucking sorry. I swear that I didn't mean to punch you. I was aiming for Calum's face," Calum gave your brother the bitch face. You just rolled your eyes at them two, "It's okay. I shouldn't of tried to break up a guy fight."

Your brother went on, "And secondly, I'm sorry the entire school now knows you guys did the dirty."

You let out a little giggle. Eventually it was going to get out there. It always does.

Again, your brother continued talking, "But most importantly, I'm sorry that I didn't realize how much you guys deserve to be together. Calum, you break my sisters heart, I promise next time I won't miss. Y/N, no sex while I'm home. I promise that I will cock block you guys everytime. Understood?"

You and Calum turned to look at each other and shook your head, "Understood."

Your nose finally stopped bleeding and you ran over to hug your brother. Whispering in his ear, "Thank you so much."

"I'm only allowing this for you," he whispered back.

"I would've dated him with or without your permission," you smiled, pulling back to let him know that you were kidding.

"Real funny," your brother replied while giving you the finger.

Since Calum knew it would piss your brother off, he kissed you right in front of him.

Oh dear guys, I'm hella tired but right as I was about to go to sleep...the Ridiculousness episode with Justin Bieber came on and I have to watch it. So here is an update. Hope you like it!

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