Bad Storms

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Preference: Bad Storms


Michael and yourself were out on a date, way out of town, to celebrate your three year anniversary together. It was rumored that there was going to be a huge ice storm making its way through your area so you had been keeping an eye on it with your weather app. It says that it's not supposed to hit until early in the morning so the two of you went out. Everything was going significant until someone had turned the news up, the restaurant going quiet, everybody's attention remained on the news reporter.

"The roads are beginning to get really, really slick with ice. The ice storm is making its way through (Your/Town) and there has already been several wrecks reported but there is no way that help can get around. Those of you that are out on the roads, please be very cautious and keep it slow. If you don't have to be out in this, stay home."

You looked over at Michael with worry in your eyes, "We should get home before the roads get worse." Michael agreed and paid for the meal, guiding you out towards the vehicle. Both of you put your seat belts on and began to make your way back home. To say you were nervous would be a total understatement. You couldn't help but shake in fear that something bad was going to happen. Michael kept all of his attention on the road and getting home safely. He wasn't going any faster than 6 miles per hour when the car began sliding all over the road.

Your hands gripped on the seat belt and your eyes were tightly shut as you began to pray over and over again. You expected to hear a bunch of banging and feel your body being roughly thrown around but nothing happened.

"Baby, it's fine. We're okay," Michael was holding your hand, his thumb brushing against your fingers, "We're almost home." Half an hour later, the two of you made it safely home and didn't go back out until the storm had passed and the ice had melted.

You were upstairs working on an essay for school while Calum was downstairs working on writing a song for the new album when the lights went out. Silence filled the house and you were able to hear how bad the thunderstorm was getting outside and honestly, you were freaked out. Even though you loved thunderstorms you hated the thought of tornadoes. Deciding to take a break from your essay, you shined the flashlight from your phone and made your way downstairs to find Calum.

"Hey babe," you saw him sitting on the couch with candles lit on the coffee table and a blanket ready for the two of you to cuddle under. He had the curtains pulled open so that the two of you could stare out and watch what was going on. Both of you crawled under the blanket and Calum began to rub your back with his fingertips. You were listening to his heartbeat, feeling his chest move up and down with every breath that he took. It's something that always soothed you during the terrible storms.

"What if we fall asleep and don't hear the tornado sirens go off?" You questioned already half asleep.

"At least we'll die in a cool way." Calum mumbled and shortly afterwards the two of you fell asleep.


You and Luke were driving home after a fun outing with the boys. You were messing with the radio just trying to find some tunes to sing along to and keep yourself awake.

"You know we have CD's in the back, right?" Luke chuckled at you for growling and cursing under your breath because you couldn't find anything good on any stations. "Yeah," you sighed, still switching through the channels. All of a sudden you heard the noise for a weather update.

"The National Weather Service has issued a warning for a severe hailstorm in this area."

You looked over at Luke, "Great." He shrugged his shoulders, not really worried about the weather. He kept driving and further he drove the more paranoid you became. Before you knew it, hail began to fall rapidly and you could barely see the road until the lightening would light up the sky. "Luke, maybe you should pull over," you muttered. The rain and hail was coming down harder by the second which made it more difficult to see. So Luke took your advice and pulled over to wait out the storm. The two of you talked about anything and everything while listening to the weather updates. Eventually the two of you made it home safely.


You were waiting up for Ashton to get home after being apart for nearly four months due to his tour schedule. You were missing Ashton like crazy and wanting nothing more than for him to be home already because your patience was running thin. You had a feeling that Ashton's flight would be delayed because the weather outside was getting terrible. It had already snowed a few inches and the weather reports even more snow to come. Ashton hasn't tried to get ahold of you to let you know if his flight was delayed or what the plan was. You had called and texted him several times but haven't heard a response yet, so you were guessing he was on the way home.

The power ended up going out, which means no heat. Luckily you and Ashton bought a house with a fireplace so you just made a fire and sat by it with some hot chocolate, a blanket, and a good book. You lost track of time and didn't even hear the door open and shut and didn't realize that there was someone standing in front of you until they cleared their throat, "Well, I'm alive and well. The roads are awful out there and the taxi driver drove like Speedy McSpeed Pants."

You jumped to your feet and thrown yourself at Ashton, kissing him over and over again. His face and hands were freezing so you both decided to sit by the fire together and talk about his moments on tour while the snow kept piling up outside.

So I know that these kind of suck but hey, I updated. I'm currently kind of stuck at home because there's this huge ice storm on its way but nothing has happened yet. Um, I've been dealing with a lot of emotions and feelings so I've kept away from here and mostly because I have writers block. I just watched Stand By Me and I love that movie so much. Now I'm watching this stupid vacuum programming thing. 🙄

But anyways, hope you guys have had a good weekend!

Much love,


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