He Calms You Down-Calum Hood

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Your morning had started off good. You woke up, the bed sheets tangled with your body, a naked Calum peacefully asleep next to you, and the memories from last nights events came rushing into your brain and caused a smirk to creep across your face. Quietly, you try to sneak out of bed but soon failed when you felt a warm, strong arm tighten around your waist and pull you back down. A soft giggle left your mouth when you faced Calum. His eyes were still closed and his left cheek was pressed against the pillow. His voice was hoarse, "Mm, where do you think you're going this early?"

You pressed your lips together in a straight line, trying to fight the smile threatening to appear, "Well, I have to go work. Someone called in and I, unfortunately, have to cover for her."

A deep sigh escaped from Calum, his eyes were still closed. You knew exactly what he was thinking. You ran your fingers across his newly shaved hair, rubbing his forehead with your thumb, you spoke, "It's only for a few hours. When I get back, we can go for that second round you were talking about."

A smirk swept across his face and peaked one eye open to look up at you, "I'll be waiting patiently." He puckered his lips and you met him halfway, sealing the kiss.

When you made it to work, everything was going fine until the last couple of hours of your shift. Your co-worker had asked you to watch her tables while she took a little break, half an hour ago. The cook decided that it would be a great idea to slow down his pace right at the time that the diner gets swamped. You were trying your best but the costumers were beginning to get rude and your boss wouldn't stop yelling at you. Eventually, he pulled you into his office and continued to yell at you. You tried to explain to him the situation but he was having none of it.

"If you can't handle taking on a few extra tables and treat our costumers with some fucking respect, maybe you're in the wrong field of work. Complaining about petty bullshit won't get you very far especially in my office, in my diner."

You giggled to yourself, "For starters, you will not talk to me that way. I don't care if we are in your office at your diner. What do you even do here, anyway? I mean, other than take the money out of the cash register? Because you sure don't manage this place very well. I've also seen you take some of the waitresses tips. How about I give you a tip of my own? If you can't hire a decent crew and step up to be a manager, you probably shouldn't own a diner."

Your boss inhaled sharply before crossing his arms across his chest and snarled, "You're fired!"

"No, I quit." You took your name tag and waist apron off and dropped it at his feet before storming out of the building. You were fuming. Each step you took the more and more angry you became. People were walking too slowly, talking too loudly, and just being too stupid.

You slammed the front door closed and stomped your way up the stairs. Calum was sitting on the couch with his phone in his hands but his eyes were fixated on you with an eyebrow raised in confusion, "you look pissed."

"I am pissed."

Calum locked his phone and stuck it in his back pocket as he stood up, "Do you want to talk about it?"

You tossed your keys over to him and said, "I'd rather you drive me around town instead." He shook his head and followed you towards the car. After about twenty minutes of a silent car ride and you angrily staring out the window you said, "I quit my job."

"Oh," Calum said. He almost sounded startled by the sudden sound. "Why?"

You explained everything to him and the more you kept talking about it, the more mad you were. Calum stared at you for a few seconds after your rant and vent session before he said, "Your boss is a fucking dick."

"Ex-boss. Fuck him. I hope his diner gets shut down."

Calum's eyes widened. He had never seen you this mad before. A chuckle escaped his lips, "C'mon now. Where else would we find the best milkshakes in town?"

You crossed your arms and pulled your eyebrows together in a frown, "They're not that hard to make. I have the recipe."

"Babe, I can't take you serious when you're mad. You're too cute." You rolled your eyes.

"You know," Calum began as he rubbed your thigh with his free hand,
"We could go home right now, go for round two, and you can give me that recipe and I'll reward you with a milkshake. I'll even throw in a bubble bath for free."

You moved your gaze to Calum who had a hopeful smile. You couldn't help but to laugh out loud. He squeezed your thigh, "There's the sound I love to hear."

The car ride home was nothing but Calum telling you awful jokes that somehow turned your bad mood around.

So I know this imagine is awful but I also wanted to update with something other than another authors note. Just know that I suck as a human being lol. Work has been hectic, let me tell ya. Who needs a job anyway??? Ha ha me because I like enchiladas and Chinese food.

Anyways, I went and seen the Joker yesterday and again today. Ya'll....it's wonderful. Beautiful. Joaquin Phoenix did an amazing job. I definitely recommend it. There have been so many good movies coming out this year and I'm glad I have the AMC A-List. It's Gucci.


My other fanfic is posted. It's called The Only Reason. It sucks so ya'll should go and read it and tell me how much ya'll hate it 👍🏻👍🏻


Ok I'm a fucking moron....the book is called You're The Reason.

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