You're In A Car Accident

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You and your friends were having your weekly girls night out where you go out to eat and talk, nothing too crazy. When everybody decided that it was time to go, you all got in your friends' car and buckled up. You took the back passenger seat and started to send a text to your boyfriend to let him know you were on your way back home. You heard your friend scream before you felt the impact and the loud noise. When you came to your senses, adrenaline kicked in and you checked on your friends, who all seemed to be okay.

"Everybody needs to get out," someone shouted from the streets. You saw that the car was smoking and you quickly removed yourself from the vehicle.

"You have blood on your face," your friend said, panic filling her voice. You examined your forehead and felt a cut. You didn't think it was anything too serious because the bleeding had already stopped. "I'm fine. Are you okay?" You asked, looking at your friend group. They all nodded. The police took your statements and you called Calum.

"Don't freak out but I was just in a car accident." You told Calum.

"Where at? Are you ok? I'm putting my shoes on right now." Calum was speaking too fast for you to answer all of his questions. He stayed on the phone with you until he arrived to the scene. He was surprised by how calm you were and made sure that your friends were okay before taking you back home.

You were on your way home from work late one night and the weather was terrible. It didn't help that you were anxious and wanted to be home already. You didn't like heavy rain storms. The rain was coming down harder with each passing second and you couldn't see the road in front of you. All you remember is hydroplaning and hitting the ditch. You don't know how long you were knocked out for but you reached for your phone and called your boyfriend, who you already had several missed calls from.

"Baby, where are you? I've been worried sick! Did your boss make you work late again?" Michael's voice made you cry instantly.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Mikey, I just totaled my car. I hydroplaned and crashed into the ditch and I'm scared and I don't know what to do."

"Let me know where you are and then hang up and call the police. I'll be on my way, ok? Just try to remain calm."

A few minutes later, police and an ambulance arrived along with a tow truck and your boyfriend. Luckily, you weren't hurt.

Luke: (Luke's P.O.V.)
Y/N, Y/B/N, and I were leaving the movie theater after seeing the new action movie that everybody was talking about. I had drove separately because I was going to go over to Calum's house afterwards. I kissed Y/N goodbye before waving at Y/B/N.

I was driving behind them for a few miles when everything happened so fast. There was a driver, who was on their phone, and hit Y/N's car head on. I pulled over as fast and safely as I could before I sprinted towards the car. Y/B/N got out quickly and helped me get Y/N out of the car. She was bloody and not making any sense.

I held Y/N in my arms while I called for help. The EMT's checked her out before taking her to the hospital by ambulance. I rode in there with her and watched as they cleaned the cuts on her face.

"She was just hit by the airbag but I think she'll be ok."

Michael, Ashton, and you had decided to go on a late night drive. The three of you were having a really bad night and thought cruising around the town and talking would help make each other feel better. Eventually, everybody was laughing and you all agreed to go to Walmart for no reason at all.

Michael was just given the green light (ha) and was halfway through the light when a car came speeding through their red light and t-boned you. To you, it felt like it took hours for the car to come to a complete stop. You looked over to the drivers side and saw that Michael was groaning but had some blood running down his face. You went to check on Ashton but he was already out of the car and opening up your door to help you out.

"Are you hurt?" Ashton asked, checking over your body for any serious cuts.

"I don't think so. My leg just hurts." You complained. "Michael is hurt real bad though."

When the police arrived, the pain in your leg kept getting worse and worse and Ashton told you that you were going to the hospital to get checked out.

"It's just whip-lash, Ashton. I'm more worried about you and I'm definitely worried about Michael."

The three of you went to the hospital and were checked out. All of you were very lucky and only had whip-lash, bruises, and minor cuts.

So, Monday, I was in a really bad car accident with my two best friends. We were turning left on the highway and this vehicle t-boned us. It was 6:54 at night and she didn't have her headlights on, which is very illegal in Missouri. (I don't know about other states or countries). They were going about 50-60 mph, which the speed limit on this highway is 40 mph because it's through a very busy city. Anyway, plus they didn't have car insurance, which is always lovely. We got hit so hard that we ended up on the other side of the highway (which is 4 lanes in total) and almost ran through a building but a light pole stopped us. One of my friends only got a big goose egg on his forehead. I got a HUGE bruise from my hip all the way down to my knee. I mean, this bruise is black and purple, even still. And I have whip lash. My other best friend, who was driving, had bruised ribs, a bruised sternum, and suffered a laceration in his head. So we were extremely lucky.

Our hospital is a joke too. We were there from 7:30pm and I didn't get into a room until 12:00am. They had already x-rayed my hip to make sure it wasn't broken but they couldn't give me any results until I had a room. So when I did get one, it took them 30-40 minutes to tell me anything. I just laid in my hospital bed and watched Star Wars. 

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