He Has A Bad Day- Calum Hood

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You had flown out to be on tour with the boys for a few days, as you were on break from school. You had been with them for about three days now and you were having so much fun, until today that is. You were at soundcheck with your boyfriend's mom. Calum had been having a bad day and wouldn't talk to you since he yelled at you this morning.
"I just don't know what I did wrong. He either ignores me or yells at me when I try to talk to him," you told Joy everything that happened this morning before she got there. She just smiled at you, "Just give him some space, sweetheart. He'll come around."
You nodded and went to say something before you were interrupted by Calum yelling, "Goddammit, now I'm messing up my solos!"
You felt so bad for Calum. You wanted to talk to him and hug him but you didn't want to make him any madder than what he was. Joy told you to give him space so that was what you were going to give him. You decided to hang out in the dressing room until the came in to change and relax before the show tonight. You were scrolling through Twitter and found some rude and awful things being said not only about you but Calum as well. Your heart sunk. You wish the people would send you more hate than they send Calum. He doesn't deserve any hate being sent to him. How could someone be so rude to him? Calum is so sweet and caring to everybody around him. He puts others before himself and he's the bad guy? You don't care what people say about you and you never really have. Calum on the other hand, takes some things to heart.
You heard the door open and the four boys came in, already taking their shirts off to change. You peeked over at Calum to find him already looking at you. You gave him a half-hearted smile to show him that you're there for him but Calum immediately turned his head. You couldn't help but feel upset at yourself. You felt as if you weren't there for him enough but there wasn't anything you could really do. You were so deep in thought that you didn't realize Luke had sat down beside you.
"It's not your fault that he's upset. He's just having a bad day. We all get like that sometimes," Luke tried to make you feel better.
"I just feel like I'm not there enough for him."
Luke smiled, "He loves you. Before you came out here, that's all he talked about. He was so excited that you were flying out to visit for a few days. Just give him time."
Luke's words made you feel better, you just wished you could make Calum talk to you. But of course, you kept your distance. The stage manager came by to warn them that they had five minutes until the show. You could hear the crowd screaming and you felt happy. You couldn't even imagine how it made the boys feel. You looked over at Calum to find him looking even more pissed off and upset. He had threw his bass strap over his head and stomped out of the room. He didn't even kiss you like he usually does before he goes on stage. He always told you it gave him 'good luck'. You had wished the other three boys good luck before you went out to the crowd to watch the show with Joy and some fans.
Throughout the show, you noticed Calum was forgetting the lyrics and messing up notes and you heard some fans groaning about him messing up their favorite parts. You didn't want to cause a scene, afraid that it would just upset Calum more. You also heard some fans feeling bad for Calum. Joy and yourself talked to a few fans here and there, you gathered their @ names and told them you'd have the boys follow them. When the show was over with, you and Joy maneuvered your way backstage and waited patiently until the boys were done with their meet and greets. The boys came back and Joy took Calum outside to talk with him. While you waited for her to get back, you congratulated the boys on the great show they put on.
"The crowd was so loud I thought they were going to burst my ear drums!" Michael shouted.
"Mate, you're going to burst my ear drum if you keep shouting," Ashton complained.
You were laughing at their bickering when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see Calum indicating you to follow him. He lead you outside, where he knew you two would not be bothered by anyone. Calum leaned up against the wall and crossed his arms as you just stood there waiting for him to talk.
"I've been a huge dick all day and I'm sorry. It's just, I got on Twitter and started seeing all this hate towards you and myself. It was awful and I couldn't help but get angry. At soundcheck, I was getting nervous because not only am I playing a show for the fans but you and my mom as well. I wanted to play perfectly but the nerves added to the pressure and I played the exact opposite of perfect. I could hear the fans complaining and it's just been a bad day and I took it out on everybody. Especially you. I'm sorry."
It took you a minute to process what he had said to you before you finally spoke up, "First of all, don't apologize. Bad days happen to everybody, even celebrities. Just so happens that your bad day was today. Secondly, the people giving you hate are sending words through a screen. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have the guts to say it to you if they saw you walking in the streets. Thirdly, if fans were complaining about you having a bad day than they are not big enough fans to realize that messing up chords and forgetting lyrics happen to every band and artist. Nobody is perfect Calum, not even you. But that's what makes you perfectly imperfect in my eyes."
You waited for Calum to say something but instead was surprised by his lips on yours. He pulled away breathless, his forehead resting against yours. He looked you in your eyes and said, "I love you, Y/N."
Blushing, you replied, "I love you too, Calum."

Sorry for any mistakes but I think we're good. I typed this on my tablet since Sprint has screwed me over. I'm without a phone until Tuesday so..yay me. I hope you like this. I thought of it while I was at iHop. (:

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