You See A Bug

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You had gotten back home after a long day at work. As usual, you heard Ashton going to town on his drums but you didn't really mind. It actually soothed you some. You were changing into your pajamas but before you could put your shorts on you caught a glimpse of a huge spider chilling on your floor. You screamed before realizing that Ashton couldn't hear you so you took off running down in the basement.

You threw the door open causing Ashton to jump and hit himself in the face with his drum stick. You were trying to catch your breath while telling him about seeing the spider.

"Ashton, pack your bags! We have to move. We have to burn this house down pronto!"

Ashton was trying to hold back a laugh and was rubbing his now black eye, "Y/N, it's not real."

You couldn't believe Ashton was laughing while you were about to have a heart attack. "Ash, this is no time for jokes. Our house is infested with spiders!"

He narrowed his eyes at you, "Babe, it's not real. The spider is not real. I put it there to freak you out. It's all fake."

You put your hand over your heart; relieved your house wasn't really infested with those eight legged bastards. "Damn you, Ashton. I could have died from my overly beating heart."

He went to sit back down in front of his drums, "But you didn't. That's the important thing. By the way, I broke your favorite vase. I love you babe." He started banging away on his drums. You just stood there more happy about the spider being fake.


The guys and yourself were outside enjoying the nice weather. The boys were in the pool while you decided to lay out in the sun for a few minutes. You just so happened to look over at your phone and see a prey mantis. You thought they were so creepy and gross so you let out a little scream.

"Michael, oh my God, please come here and get rid of it!" You closed your eyes and moved away from your original spot. You heard Michael get out of the water and a few seconds later he told you that he got rid of it. You finally opened your eyes to a world of lies. Michael had it in his hands that just so happened to be right in front of your face.

You took off in a sprint with Michael right behind you, chasing you with the bug in his hands.

"Michael Gordon Clifford, STOP." You were screaming bloody murder.

That's when you felt something hit your back and you went into a full panic. You looked like someone that had ran into a spider web. You heard fits of laughter from the boys and your boyfriend.

"You guys are so dead. Especially you," you glared at Michael. All he did was just laugh harder.


You and Luke decided to have a lazy day. He had recently gotten off tour and you had a break from school. All the lights were off as music softly played in the background while you and Luke cuddled on the couch. He was telling you all about the funny stuff that had happened throughout the tour. You saw something move on the wall in the corner of your eye. You squinted your eyes to get a better visual on what it actually was.

You fell of the couch before shuffling to your feet, "Luke," you pointed to the wall behind him, "there's a huge wasp flying behind you."

A little squeal left Luke's mouth before he followed your actions as well. He stood behind you, using your body as a shield.

"Luke, kill it!" You shouted at him.

He puffed out his chest, cleared his throat and said in a deep voice, "Okay, I shall protect you."

He grabbed a broom and slapped at the wasp. He looked at you, "Dr. Fluke has saved the day, yet again."

You pointed behind him and he turned his head to find that the wasp was very much alive and more pissed now. Luke screamed and jumped back before taking his phone out of his pocket.

"I'm calling Michael!" Luke quickly dialed the number and put it on speaker.

"How may I help you?" Michael's voice chimed in on the silence. 

"We need you to kill a wasp for us. It refused to die and we're scared." Luke whined, his eyes never leaving the wasp.

"You guys are fucking morons. I'll be over in a minute. Try not to die." Michael hung up. Luke and yourself stood outside in safety and waited for Michael to be the one to save the day.


The two of you were getting ready for an awards show. You were finishing up your hair in the mirror of your guys' shared bedroom. As for Calum, he was putting on the clothes he picked out just minutes ago. You went to grab for curling wand but instead you touched a huge insect. You fell straight on your ass and yelled for Calum.

"Get it out of here!"

Calum laughed at your reaction, "Babe, it's just a grasshopper. It's not doing anything wrong."

"It's inside the house! Put it outside." You weren't really grossed out by it, you just weren't expecting it to be there. Honestly, you thought it was a spider and that's what caused you to freak the hell out.

Calum just rolled his eyes, picking the grasshopper in his hands and walking towards the front door to set it free. He walked back in the room, laughing at how you fell backwards due to an innocent grasshopper. At the awards show, he kept telling everyone about it and you would stand there shaking your head with a smile.

Sorry that this is sort of short. And I'm sorry for the last imagine. It was quite depressing. 😂 But, here's a preference. I really hope you guys are enjoying this book. Even if you aren't..I hope you're enjoying hating this book. Love you guys!

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