How He Cheers You Up.

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Preference: How He Cheers You Up.

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He'll notice how stressed you are from work the second you walk through the door. You'll sigh heavily and kick your shoes off and stomp your way up the stairs. When you open up the door to your shared bedroom, he waits for you in bed with opened arms. He'll let you vent until you're blue in the face and take you into the kitchen where he cooks your favorite meal.


When you're upset, you'll go over to Luke's house and he'll instantly wrap his arms around you in a tight hug. Luke will put his shoes on and the two of you would go for a walk with no real destination in mind. He'll usually just follow you and neither of you will say much of anything until you're ready to talk about it, but he'll always hold your hand the entire walk.


He'll find you in the bedroom crying over a small fight between the two of you, nothing major. You just yelled at him over something stupid and you felt bad afterwards. Michael tries to reassure you that he isn't mad at you but you brush it off. So he'll grab his guitar and sit beside you and softly play one of your favorite songs that he made a mission to learn, just for you. It always cheers you up.


He'll come home from being at the studio all day and see that all the lights were off and you were nowhere to be found. He looks around the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, before he found you curled up in bed with tear stained cheeks. Ashton will crawl into bed with you, not say anything, and run his fingers through your hair and leave small kisses on your face until he sees you crack a little smile.

Sorry for not updating in like over a month. I've been writing a Michael fanfic, that I still have no name for, and so far I'm at 38 chapters and going. I don't have it published but I'm thinking maybe soon???? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyways, thank you all so much for all the reads, votes, and comments. I appreciate every last one of you. Also, that live album FUCKS ME UP.  Happy new year y'all

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