Luke Imagine

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This is an imagine requested by rosesonmyshirt. I hope you like it! ❤️

(Your P.O.V.)

Today was the day I had been waiting for for two months. I was seeing my favorite band, 5 Seconds of Summer. My best friend, Emily, had bought us tickets and the day has finally come. I had clothes strewn everywhere in my room because I couldn't find the perfect outfit to wear and eventually I called my best friend over to help me.

"Why don't you wear these jeans?" Emily asked, holding them up.

I scrunched up my nose, "No, they make my thighs look huge."

I was sitting on the bed with my arms crossed and watched as Emily was going through my clothes. She always throws together something good.

"This?" She held up a tank top.

I shook my head, "That tank top makes my arms look like a sack of pudding."

Emily dropped her arms at her sides and glared at me, "Could you be more open minded and less like Jennifer Carpenter in White Chicks?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Sorry."

After another hour had passed, Emily and I managed to agree on an outfit and began to get ready for our big night.

It was all surreal when we got to our seats in the arena. And when they first walked out on stage, I couldn't believe it was real. They were real. I was looking at them in person instead of just through my phone screen. They were right here in front of me. It was even more excited since Emily got us seats just five rows away from the stage.

When they were playing She's Kinda Hot, I made eye contact with Luke. At least I'm hoping. We both smiled. I know there are tens of thousands of people here and he could be looking at literally anybody in this area but it looked like he was smiling at me. I shrugged it off and enjoyed the rest of the show.

When the show ended, Emily and I decided to wait in our seats until the place was less crowded. We also wanted to fangirl over the show and how amazing they were. That's when the unthinkable happened.

"Hello ladies, I have a request from Luke Hemmings to bring you two backstage. Would you like to accept?" A security guard asked us.

So many thoughts were running through my mind. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Emily was the first one to speak, "Sure."

We followed the security guard backstage and he opened up the door to their dressing room and he told us to wait in there. I sat down on the couch and watched as Emily was pacing back and forth, taking everything in. I started laugh, "I bet they have a hidden camera in here and they're watching us to see how long we will wait."

Emily threw a dirty look my way, "Only you would think of these things." Right after she said that, the door opened up and deep laughs following afterwards. That's when they stopped in their place and stared at us.

I grew uncomfortable, "The guard brought us back here." I didn't want them thinking that we snuck back here.

"We know. Luke requested you two to come back here and hang out with us for a little bit." Ashton explained.

The six of us began talking and it was like we all just clicked. Like we had known each other for years. Luke and I began to have our own conversation and found ourselves outside, enjoying the cool breeze. He looked at me, "Was the show everything you thought it would be?"

I thought for a minute, "No," I saw Luke stiffen up before I smiled, "it was better." He relaxed and let out a heavy breath, "You know I couldn't stop watching you. I don't mean that in a creepy way. You looked like you were enjoying yourself and living in the moment. I dig that."

I could feel my cheeks heat up, "Thank you. You really know how to put on a show." It was quiet between us for a few minutes before Luke broke the silence, "I know this is a long shot and I know that you're seven years younger than me, but we should hang out again."

"How? Aren't you guys on tour until next year?" I removed a strand of hair from my face and looked at him. He answered, "Yeah, but I mean..I could fly you and Emily out. Or if this is just creeping you out, I totally understand..." Luke kept rambling and I could see the blush appearing on his cheeks. He was so cute.

I chuckled, "I'd like that."

He released a loud breath out of his nose and smirked, "So...can I get your number?" All I could do is shake my head and save my contact in his phone.

That's when the rest of the gang barged through the back door and started teasing Luke about having a crush on me. Emily mentioned the time and that we should get going because we had an early college class in the morning. I gave everybody a hug, but saving Luke for last, and thanked them for putting on an awesome show and inviting us backstage. When I got to Luke, he nuzzled his face in my neck and kissed my cheek, "I'll be sure to text you in the morning, ok? Be careful going home."

"Have a safe flight. Goodbye everybody." Emily and I waved and walked away. Once we were in her car, we both let out a loud scream of excitement.

"Luke totally has a little crush on you." Emily gushed. I couldn't help but smile.

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