What He Does When You Have A Nightmare

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Preference: What he does when you have a nightmare.

You would be tossing and turning throughout the night and wake up in a panic. You would be so used to Ashton being right beside you but instantly remember that he's on tour. Hesitantly, you would call him because you feared that you would interrupt him with the time difference.
"Hiya babe, what are you doing up? It's almost two o'clock in the morning over there." Ashton's cheery voice chimed through the speaker. You would tell him about your nightmare and he would feel bad because he can't be there to comfort you. But he always sang you to sleep through the phone and would hang up when he would hear you softly snoring.

You would wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat from the nightmare you just woke up from. You were too scared to go back to sleep and you didn't want to wake up Michael so you just went downstairs to make yourself a cup of coffee. Eventually Michael would notice that you're not laying beside him and he'd find you sitting at the kitchen table with a coffee cup in your hands, "Couldn't sleep?" His voice was very soft and sweet. You shook your head, "Bad dream."
Michael would grab a blanket and pillows and cuddle you on the couch while watching Teen Titans until you would fall back asleep.

You'd jump awake already shaking and out of breath. You were dreaming that a serial killer was chasing after you after killing Calum right in front of you. The first thing you did was check to see if Calum was alright and sure enough, he was sound asleep right beside you. You'd sigh in relief before laying back down and cuddling into his side. He'd wake up and wrap his arms around you, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine now," you would say after kissing his cheek.
Calum would give you a lazy smile and fall asleep instantly.

It wasn't very often that you would have nightmares but it was rare of you to scream yourself awake from one. Luke would be shouting your name and holding you, letting you know that everything was okay. You didn't want to go back to sleep so Luke grabbed his car keys and you followed him outside to his vehicle. He'd drive around for hours while the two of you talked about anything and everything.
But, after a while you would start to be sleepy and drift off into another sleep. This time without having a night terror.

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