He Gets Drunk

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Preference: He Gets Drunk

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The two of you were sitting at home, snowed in, and completely bored out of your minds. You decided to catch up on some homework and Ashton had other plans. He thought it would be a good idea to see how fast he could drink a bottle of Tequila Rose.

"Y/N, watch this," he said, gaining your attention before chugging the entire bottle down in less than ten seconds.

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin, why did you do that?" You yelled and got up from your chair, taking the now empty bottle away from him.

"Y/N, it's fine," he reassured, putting his hands on your shoulders, "I'm fine, it's not even enough to get me drunk."

You eyed him suspiciously and decided to watch him, for when the alcohol hits him and he starts acting stupid. It wasn't even fifteen minutes later until he was unable to walk in straight lines, he was slurring his words, and acting a fool.

"Look at me, Y/N. I'm an inchworm," he dragged his knees up to his chest, his butt in the air, and dragged his chest across the floor and repeated the process. You quickly got your phone out and began to record him, posting it onto Twitter.

"Ashton is an drunken inchworm guys."


You and the boys were at Calum's birthday party. You were three months pregnant, so Michael knew you were staying sober, which meant he was getting plastered. Michael didn't want to tell anybody yet until you both got the chance to tell your families first, excluding the boys. So only you and Michael know.

The party started a little over an hour ago and Michael was already hammered. You took a sip of your water and watched as the crowd of people were dancing and others were standing around talking. Calum came up to you and wrapped his arms around you in a bear hug.

"Happy Birthday," you yelled, over the music, into his ear. He pulled away, smiling, "Thank you! What are you drinking?"

You held up your red party cup, "Water."

Calum gave you a disapproving look and shook his head, "You need some vodka in there, with orange juice."

It was your turn to shake your head, "I'm staying sober tonight, Cal. Someone's got to take care of Michael."

"Stay the night, I have an extra bedroom." He shrugged his shoulders, gulping down his drink. You knew Calum was starting to get drunk by the way his pupils were dilated.

"I really can't," you refused his drink when he tried to offer you some. Before you knew it, Michael was beside you and said, "Calum, she's pregnant. She can't drink."

The looks on Calum's face was pure shock and happiness. You glared at Michael, "You drunk asshole." You couldn't help but smile though because Michael was smiling at his hand on your stomach, nothing but love in his eyes.


It was four in the morning when you got a call from Ashton, saying that your boyfriend was drunk and was refusing to take a taxi home. He wanted you to pick him up and take him home.

"He says that his girlfriend would kill him if he went home with a taxi man," Ashton said, stifling a laugh.

You were throwing on some shoes and was out the door, "He's an idiot. I'll be there in ten minutes."

When you arrived to the bar that the boys were at, you immediately saw Calum jumping and waving at you with a large smile on his face. You got out of the car to help Calum in.

"Guys, that's my girlfriend," he said, talking to Michael and pointing at you. Michael nodded his head, clearly annoyed with him. When you finally got Calum in the car, you turned to the boys and thanked them for looking out for your boyfriend. On the way home, Calum wouldn't shut up.

"Y/N, you are absolutely beautiful. I'm such a lucky man. The boys tried to hook me up with this man. They kept telling me that he was going to take me home and I said, no way. I have a beautiful girlfriend waiting for me at home. They told me that he was taking me home to my girlfriend and I freaked out and told them that she doesn't do threesomes because she's all mine."

You burst out laughing at his ramblings, "Calum, you're the cutest dork that I've ever known."

You glanced over at Calum when you didn't get a response but he was asleep with his head resting against the window.


You got off from work, took a hot bath, put on some comfortable pajamas, made some popcorn, and sat back on the couch with a heated blanket and put on your favorite show. There was no better way to spend your night, or so you thought.

You were interrupted with loud knocking at your front door. Pausing your show, you went to answer the door and was confused when you saw your best friend, Luke, "I'm drunk."

You rolled your eyes and helped him inside, "How did you get here?"

"I walked from my house," he shrugged.

"That's ten blocks!" You yelled.

He looked at you with his famous 'bitch face', or so his fans call it, "That's my ear you have yelled in."

You were having troubles getting him up the stairs considering that you were basically dragging him and he was of no help. You sighed, "Luke, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

You pushed him down the stairs. It was only six steps, plus they were carpeted and he landed on the carpet floor. He laid on the floor, dramatically, "Why do you hate me?"

You rolled your eyes and helped him up, continuing to drag him before setting him on the couch, "I don't hate you, you're not much help when you're drunk."

"Fair enough," he nodded his head, staring up at the ceiling.

It was silent between the two of you for a few seconds before you went to open your mouth to ask if he needed anything but he beat you to the punch, "Thank you for taking care of me. I love you," and he fell asleep, leaving you standing there stunned.

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