First Date-Luke Hemmings

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You had met Luke during a meet & greet and was shocked when he had asked for your number. You were even more shocked when he asked you out on a date a few weeks later. Of course you had said yes. I mean, who wouldn't?
You didn't know where Luke was taking you so you dressed casually. Excitement flooded your body when you heard a knock on the door. You opened the door to find Luke standing there with a smile on his face when he saw you.
"Y/N, wow, you look beautiful."
You could feel your cheeks heat up, "Thank you, not too bad yourself."
He admired your beauty for a few seconds longer before he finally spoke up, "So are you ready?"
You nodded, making sure the door was locked before you let him lead you to his car. Luke opened the door for you and made sure you got in okay before walking around to the drivers side and starting the car.
The two of you talked so much that you didn't even realize he had pulled into an amusement park. The two of you began walking to get in line to buy tickets. Of course you offered to buy your own but Luke wasn't having any of it.
"Y/N, I asked you out on this date. I insist on paying for you. It's no big deal." He told you.
Still, you felt bad. Luke took notice and sighed, "Fine, I'll let you buy me a drink."
You smiled, "Deal!"
The two of you rode as many rides as you could until you both felt hungry.
"How does Chinese sound?" Luke asked.
"Sounds good to me," you smiled.
(If you don't like Chinese, just pretend it's something you like.)
Luke bought the food while you paid for the drinks, like you had hoped for. You both sat down and began eating.
"So, I was thinking," Luke took a drink of his pop, "that you and I rode the Rip Cord."
(Watch the video to know what the Rip Cord is.)
Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and your hands became sweaty, "R-really?"
Luke shook his head, "I've never rode it before. I mean, we can ride it if you want to."
You didn't want to ride it but you also didn't want to ruin your first date with Luke Hemmings.
"Lets ride it." You smiled nervously.
Both of you finished eating and went to ride the Rip Cord. You were really regretting your decision when you had to sign a paper stating if anything happens, the place can not be sued. As they were suiting you up, you kept rambling on about different subjects. Luke couldn't help but laugh at how cute you were being. They dropped the both of you so they could finish strapping you in. They told you two that you had to lock arms until they said otherwise. As soon as the began to slowly rise you to the top, your grip on Luke tightened. You could feel your heart beating against your rib cage. It felt like you were going to fall out at any second.
"Are you nervous?" Luke asked.
You shook your head, "N-no, I'm p-p-peachy." You were nervous as hell. You thought, 'If I close my eyes, it won't be so bad.' You reached the top and you heard, "1, 2, 3. Fly!"
Luke pulled the strap and the both of you began to free fall. You were screaming bloody murder while Luke was laughing at your reaction. The strap caught and you began swinging back and forth. You calmed down and let go of Luke's arm. That wasn't as bad as you thought. The workers held out a lever deal for Luke and you to grab to help you stop swinging. Once off the ride, Luke was still laughing.
"Y/N, you should've seen your face!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. I could've died." You said with a smile.
Luke grabbed your hand and walked back to his car. He drove you home and walked you up to your front door.
"I had such a fun time with you tonight, Y/N."
You couldn't help but blush, "I had fun too, Luke."
He got closer to you, staring into your Y/E/C eyes. Before you knew it, his lips were on yours. His hands resting on your hips as yours wrapped around his neck. Luke pulled away, his forehead resting against yours, "We'll definitely have to go on another date."
Luke began to walk back to his car before he turned back around to smile at you, "I'll see later, Y/N."
You waved at him, "Bye Luke."
You stayed outside until you could no longer see Luke's car. Your first date with Luke Hemmings was a success. You knew there would be many more to come.

Hope you enjoyed the very first imagine of this book. It took me about an hour to write. Sorry if it kind of sucked towards the end. If you have any requests, please let me know!

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