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"Fuck it hurts so fucking bad make it stop! Make it stop!" I yell at the doctors.

They rush me into the hospital and the last thing I see before closing my eyes was my beautiful Sage covered in my blood.


Suddenly his begging stops. His screams of pain stop. All I could do is sit there in shock.

He came back. He came back for me and I can't comprehend anything.

My mind in a jumbled mess I replay everything in my mind.

"Babe I'm okay, I'm capable of taking the garbage out side." I chuckle at Ash's worry.

"Can I go with you?" He asks with a blank look on his face.

I nod my head and grab his phone for the light on it.

It buzzes as I walk out side and it's a message from an unknown number.

"If I can't have her no one can.
-x. "

"Who is x ba-" I was cut off by Ashton tackling me and a shot was fired.

I hear running and then a car sped off. Ashton begins to cry in agony as he holds his stomach.

Luke and Tatum run out of the house and I call 911.

I panicked and began to hyperventilate so Tatum took the phone.

Wait...the car. The dark blue car I had seen before .

"It was him," I cried," it was Jonah. He is my ex. He did this!" I sob as I hold the wound Ashton still begging for help.

Luke calms me as the ambulance arrives.

I can't believe this.

I snap back into my overwhelming reality by an embrace by Hazel.

I go up to the receptionist and demand to know if ash is okay... I need to know he's okay. I can't do this alone.

Just then I pass out.

My eyes flutter open and I see that I'm in the hospital.
Tatum is sitting beside me.

"Was it a dream? What happened?" I ask in calmly sitting up.

"No sweetie. Ash got shot by Jonah.
He is stable but in the ICU and asleep because of the medicine." She says holding my hand for comfort.

I calm a little and remember the baby. I frantically move the blankets to touch my stomach.
"She's okay." She says.

"She?!" I look up at her tears beginning to form.

"You are four and a half months pregnant, but didn't show it because you were so healthy and active." She says getting closer to me. "You're gonna have a baby girl Sage." Tears form in her eyes.

She gets up and I touch my stomach and rub it. All of the Hazel and the guys walk in.

"Do they know?" I ask her. She shakes her head. "I wanted you to tell them. "She grins at me.

" I'm about four and a half months along...and we are going to have a baby girl." I say with tears flowing. Everyone cheers and hugs me.

I need to see Ashton. I tell all of them I'm going to see him, since they are keeping me over night just to make sure I'm okay.

I walk down the hall and into his room. I see his imperfect hair messily thrown.

I sit beside him and grab his hand. " Ash I need you to wake's the baby." I say and shake him lightly.

His eyes slowly opens. I jump into the biggest hug I could give. "I love you so much... I thought you were gone." I say looking at him.

"I'm okay babe. They expect me to make a full recovery...wait why are you in a gown?" He questions.

" I passed out from the stress.. The baby is okay. But I need to tell you something." He gestures for me to continue. " I'm four and a half months along... And it's a Girl Ashton. We are having a beautiful baby girl." I begin to cry as he does.

I lean into his chest and we cry together. We made this baby with our love. And I know we will love her and care for her.

"It's a baby girl? " he questions for clarification. I nod and smile.

He kisses me on the forehead as I lay beside him.another dose of pain killers is released and he is fast asleep, just like be; both holding my tummy.

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