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Ugh why are the lights so bright. My head is aching terribly.

I open my eyes to see Ashton laying over the end of the end of the bed.

"Ashton" I say and the pain strikes my lungs as if the life where squeezed out of them.

He fidgets and then relaxes again. I reach my leg and poke him in the shoulder with my toes.

"Sage? Sage! You're awake!" He says running up to me.

I remember everything that happened... Being beat and starved.

Ashton takes my hand and puts it on my belly... It's flat...

Tears feel my eyes. " please tell me we didn't lose her..." I squeak out throwing my hands into my face in utter agony.

" Babe she is down the hall and to the left. She was 8 months old love." He says with a big smile."

I feel my face and it feels bruised and swollen and pain filled. This is wayyy to much.

Ashton pulls out his phone and texts something. I assume he's telling everyone I'm awake.

Sure enough two minutes later Michael, Tatum, Calum, Luke, and Hazel (a/n this is after she was released)

I reach for Ashton's phone and type
Where's my baby?
And my phone?
And food?

And why am I in so much pain, how bad was I hurt?

" well babe, baby girl is waiting for us... We have to name her now. Your phone is right here." He pulls it out of his back pocket." You have to be very careful when you eat but I'll talk to the doctors and see what we can do. Also, a few ribs are broken, and your right lung was punctured, thankfully they caught it all in time. You have bruises in a lot of places, and you also have a massive concussion... But they expect you to make a good recovery. You have to be careful moving from the C-section."

I nod and take my phone and turn it on.

Can I go see my baby? I type to Ashton's

"Yes let me go get the nurse love." He grins and Calum follows him.

Tatum walks over to me and hugs me and the rest follow.

How is the baby? I type to them and Tatum replies with" she's great, they took her off of the oxygen, and everything!She can go home as soon as you get to." With a smile.

Just then Ashton's curly head pops through the door. And the nurse comes in behind him with the baby in her arms.

Tears instantly pour from my eyes and she hands her to me. This little human was made by me, and the person I love. I will never love anything more than her.

" Olivia Noel ." I squeak not minding the pain.

Ashton sits beside me teary eyed. "That's beautiful." He says touching her hand.

Just then he looks over at the group of people in the room, Tatum and Hazel with tears and the boys fighting it back... Calum and Tatum nods to Ashton.

Ashton stands up and kisses my forehead, then kneels onto his left knee. And grabs a box from his pocket.

" Sage, I know we never would have planned it like this, but I feel like there will never be a better time. I love you with every fiber of my soul. And I appreciate everything you have ever done for me, and to me. You made me see that life doesn't have to be a negative. You have showed me that the entire universe could be held in one persons eyes, and that love can make the most beautiful out comes. With this ring, I ask you, Novalee Sage Mercced, will you give me the extraordinary joy of being my wife?" (A/n TEARS)

I'm sobbing. I have the baby in my arms and she is sound asleep.

I nod my head crying and smiling all at once. I see Ashton's eyes are filled with tears, and the biggest smile I've ever seen. Everyone engulfs us into a loose group hug.

There is not a dried eye in the room! Even the nurse.

This is it... The beginning to the rest of my life. 

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