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"God can they just please come out already!" I screamed. Michaels sitting next to me, his head in his hands.

"Soon." Is all he said.

I can tell he's nervous, maybe even more than I am.

"What if they aren't mine?" He asked.

"Mikey, babe. They are yours... whether they have half of Luke's DNA or not. They will be yours."

He smiles a little bit, when the door opens.

Hazel, Sage, Calum, Ashton, and surprisingly, Luke walks in. And of course, the two kids are with them as well.

"How much longer do you have before you can start pushing?" Sage asks.

"The last time the doctor was in here, I was 8 cm dilated. So, soon, hopefully." I feel a contraction starting and my hand balls up into a fist. I try not to scream out, even though the pain is excruciating.

The doctor comes in. "You should be ready to start pushing. I'm going to ask you guys to leave the room. Well make sure to tell you when the babies are here."

I look over to Michael, who still looks nervous. "Are you ready to meet our kids?"

The next thing I remember is hearing the cries of my children. "Congratulations.. You have a healthy boy and girl!"

One of the nurses take some of each babies blood, so they can do the Paternity Test. They also take blood from me, Michael, and Luke. After that, the babies are handed to me.

"The results of the tests should be ready soon." She says.

Another nurse comes to us. "Okay, I need the names of your children. We will get the last names after the results come back."

"His name is Matthew Ross. And her name is Diana Monroe." Michael says for me.

The nurse writes down the names and leaves.

I look down at the beautiful creatures in my arms. They're actually mine. I never thought that one day, id be a mother. But here I am. I created these tiny humans.

I look over to Michael, who has tears in his eyes. "Do you want to hold them? Or one of them?"

He slowly nods, and carefully takes the little girl. "She's beautiful..."

The door slowly opens, and our group of friends come in.

"Before I look at your beautiful children... Um, did you notice that you look a lot like the doctor?" Ashton asked me.  "Like, I may just be seeing things, but you look almost exactly like him."

I shrug my shoulders. "I've been a little busy, Ash."

Hazel walks over to me, and I hand her the baby.

Luke is standing by the door, not talking or looking at anyone. He stays like that for a few minutes before he speaks out. "How long until we find out the test results?"

Everyone looks pretty shocked that he's actually talking.

"Soon, I hope." Is all I say.

The babies are passed around for a few minutes, making sure everyone has a chance to hold them.


The next day, a nurse and the doctor come in. The same ones that helped deliver the babies.

"We have your results back.." The doctor says. He opens the folder and reads off the papers. "Luke Hemmings is the father of Matthew."

"What about Diana?" Michael asks.

"Are you Michael?" Michael nods slowly. "You are the father of the little girl. This can happen, if you have had intercourse with two different men within twenty-four hours. One man can be the father of a child, and one man can be the father of another."

"Thank you, Dr.--" I say.

"Channing. Dr. Matthew Channing." He smiles.

"Huh, that's strange." I say. "My last name is Channing. And I named my son Matthew."

"What is your first name? We didn't really have much time to talk before this." The nurse says.

Her name tag says Diana Channing.

That's very strange.


The look on their faces looked horrified, yet relieved.

They exchange glances at each other before nodding.

"Well, hello, Tatum. Um, years ago, we had to give up our child. We didn't have the finances to keep her. We believe that is you."


Wow okay. Um shitty chapter. Sorry not sorry. But yeah


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