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Saturday rolls around.... I can't believe Tatum is pregnant. But the question remains on who is the father. I know now more than ever, we will have to help her while silently watching out for her.

   We get to Hazels house for the gender revile, and I'm so excited. Shortly after we get there Michael walks into the door... without Tatum.

   I hear Calum pop up "where is Tatum?" And Michael sits in the chair and buries his head in his hands with tears threatening to pour, and whispers a weak" I don't know... she left this note." He hands it and I'm the first to grab it.

Dear Michael,
    I'm not running away this time. Hopefully I will be back soon. I have to tell Luke, because after all we all know the possibilities. He deserves to know as much as you do. I went to find him... I love you with every part of me. Tell everyone I'm terribly sorry and will see them very soon.
I know where he is. So don't be too alarmed.
           With much love,

When I finish reading it, I look up to find that everyone is behind be, reading along. I'm the only other one that knows... the instant question is wait, or go? She can't do this alone. I know her all to well, to know she will disintegrate into nothingness with depression, and that will not be good for her or the baby...

While I hear everyone talking about it, without thinking, I yell out... " I know where he's at, he told me before he left..." without hesitation, Hazel jumps up and walks into her room and begins packing...

"I already have a bag packed and I'm ready." With a weak smile, knowing we all think alike.

Ashton takes Olivia outside and buckles her up, and with that we head home to pack...
I send a group text
He is in Sydney Australia.

Michael sends back: we are at the air port, I will get your tickets, we have an hour. See you soon.

We, without a doubt, are all the tightest family we could ever be.

A/n: so kinda a filler, but yo, going back to Aussie tho...
- Kay ✌🏻️

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