Chapter 8

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SM Confirms, Girls' Generation Taeyeon And EXO Baekhyun Are Dating.

Update: After the news took the internet by storm, SM Entertainment has stepped in and confirmed that the two labelmates are dating. A representative told OSEN, "They had a close junior and senior relationship and recently starting dating."

Girls' Generation member (25) and EXO's Baekhyun (22) are reportedly dating.

Since last year, various Girls' Generation and EXO fans had suspected as such, posting on forums and fan sites images of 'Taeyeon Baekhyun evidence.' The 'evidence' includes pictures of the two SM artists together, looking at each other lovingly, the two with couple items like cell phones, bracelets, headphones, and sunglasses, and screencaps of their SNS posts, where they use cute nicknames for each other: Taenggu and Baekoong. Fans further suspected a romantic relationship between Taeyeon and Baekhyun, as the EXO member is only following Taeyeon on Instagram among all the Girls' Generation members.

On the morning of June 19, Dispatch released photos of the two on a late night car date after the end of the EXO concert this past May 26. They were also photographed spending time together on May 28, prior to Girls' Generation flying out to Japan. According to their report, Baekhyun and Taeyeon have been dating for about four months.

The report says that Taeyeon and Baekhyun have known each other for about three years, since Baekhyun entered SM as a trainee. Reportedly, they started showing interest in October of last year. According to a source, who was said to be someone close to the two idols, "Their mutual interest started near the end of last year, and they started dating since sometime this past February."

Despite their age difference, they act more like close friends. According to another acquaintance of the two, "Baekhyun calls Taeyeon 'Taenggu,' and Taeyeon calls Baekhyun 'Bae Kyun' or Baekoong."

SM Entertainment is currently preparing an official statement.


"What the... Apa maksud berita ini? Damn it!!!" Jiyong melemparkan ponselnya asal. Rahangnya seketika menegang. Ia mengusap wajahnya kasar untuk menahan amarahnya yang bergejolak.

"Hyung, bisakah kau tidak melempar ponselmu?" Seungri yang berada di ruangan yang sama mengambil ponsel yang bagian belakangnya sudah terlepas. "Maaf, aku terlambat menyelamatkanmu."

"Tenanglah, Ji. Kita belum tahu kebenaran dari berita tersebut. Apa yang diketahui publik hanya konfirmasi dari pihak SM saja. Kita bisa menanyakannya pada Yuri nanti."

Jiyong terdiam. Pikirannya kalut. Kemarin pagi, ia sudah dikejutkan oleh foto-foto yang dirilis dispatch. Bukan tentang dirinya. Namun, tentang gadis yang pernah menjadi bagian dalam hidupnya. Kim Taeyeon. Dalam foto-foto tersebut, terlihat Taeyeon yang sedang berada di dalam mobil bersama seorang laki-laki. Ia tahu bahwa mobil itu milik Tayeon dan orang yang bersamanya adalah salah satu hoobae dari Taeyeon. Mereka berasal dari agency yang sama. Sudah lama Jiyong mengetahui bahwa laki-laki tersebut mengagumi Taeyeon. Tapi, ia sama sekali tak menyangka kalau Taeyeon melakukan hal yang membahayakan dirinya sendiri. Dari beberapa foto yang dilihatnya, keduanya tampak duduk berdekatan, bahkan Taeyeon mencondongkan posisi duduknya ke orang tersebut. Baik Taeyeon ataupun orang itu terkesan tak acuh pada kamera-kamera yang sedang mengintai mereka. Bahkan di salah satu foto, terlihat Taeyeon yang tersenyum ke arah kamera. Ekspresinya tenang. Seolah apa yang tengah dilakukannya adalah hal yang wajar.

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