Chapter 61

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"He never kissed anyone." Mia's reply opened the happy gates for Nandini. She smiled broadly and hugged Mia tightly, jumping and swirling her around.

"Whoa whoa!! Di, Chillax." Mia spoke as Nandini broke the hug.
"What's going on? Suddenly you seem to be very happy. Wait!! Let me guess....oh! Don't tell me you both ki-"

But she was interupted by Nandini.

"I should get going. I think dadi needs me." Nandini sheepishly said and tried sneaking out. Mia held her hand and came infront of her.

"I am happy for bhai. His first kiss must have been worth his wait. Am i right or am i right? " Mia said happily. Nandini blushed hard at her statement.

"You are talking beyond your age Ms. Malhotra." Manik came as her saviour. Nandini blushed more harder and pursed her lips.

Manik snaked his arms behind Nandini's waist and pecked her hair.
"And thank you for revealing my secret again. You seriously need to learn some manners Mia. What is it with you and blurting everything out about me. You need to get your mouth zipped." He barked maintaining his angry face.

Mia looked down mortified with Manik's comment.

"Sorry, I should have not done that if it was to be kept a secret. I am sorry." She said in a low tone. Nandini looked at Manik angrily.

"What was that Manik? You never talk to Mia like that?" Nandini asked seriously.

Manik looked at Nandini and Mia with wide eyes and then started laughing.

"Goodness you girls, I was kidding jaan. And Mia, look at your face princess, its all red. Were you really so apologetic for telling jaan that she was my first kiss? actually said sorry." Manik said still laughing. Mia's nose flared with anger.

"Yes, I was really sorry bhai. But now I am not. Thank you for making me embarresed." She spat and left huffing in anger.

"Whoops, wrong move Malhotra." Cabir said patting his shoulder.

"Now go pacify her and fix it up Manik." Nandini ordered him.

"Okay madam." Manik said and went after Mia.

Mia stood in the balcony folding her hands on her chest. Manik came and patted her shoulders but knowing her bhai too well she didn't budge.

"Gussa?" He asked standing beside her.

"Nahi nahi, why will I be angry? You didn't embarresed me infront of the whole town just now? You didn't made fun of me? You didn't do anything?" She snapped.

Manik took a step back sensing his sister's fury.

"Did that prank went that high?" He asked slowly.

She turned facing him,

"Yes, it did." She again lashed out.

"Oh!! Sista, I swear I didn't do that to hurt you. Erm...I really am sorry for what I did. I thought it won't effect you much. I mean, you're Mia after all. It was just a joke,I swear-.."

"Hahaha....haha...oh my god!! Look at your face Bhai. Its all red. really thought...that..I..will get angry with your that silly not-so-funny prank?" Mia laughed out loud and exclaimed.

She literally sat on the floor laughing, while Manik stood their dumb, enrolling what just happened. He soon realized his surrounding and saw Mia still giggling looking at him.

"Mia Malhotra, you seriously will pay for this. Do you know I was scared the way you just ran here and spat all those words? I thought I hurt you, the thing which I would never think of doing?" He yelled. Mia looked at him sheepishly and stood up.

A manan story:-Our blissful relationship...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें