Chapter 84

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My Dear bhai,

First thing first, Congratulations!! its our 101th letter!! Weird right? I know. Can you believe that? I have given you 101 letters and everytime we talk is on a newest topic of our lives. And this time too we have a few new headlines to discuss about? And mind you this got to be a very very long letter. You might get bored as well. Never say I didn't warn.
Secondly, I want to thank you. Thank you for bringing Nandini di in our lives. Okay let me say this, she be the light in our dark dark world. I know this is so not me and highly corney but admit it, its true. Thank you for loving her. One decision you took for yourself and not me. Thank goodness.

So big brother, 26 huh? You know you're are slowly crawling towards the end of your young and dynamic aura and welcoming your oldage! After a few years I can imagine you walking with a stick, coughing all around with wrinkles on face. My my how will you look bhai?
Okay, its better I do not think 'bout it and you too don't take so much tention for that I am there na...I'll take care of that. You will always be the most handsome man in my life. Promise. ; )

This letter my dear brother is not what you expect. Here are answers hidden but questions asked. You need to read me and explain me. I may cry but they are the memories sneaking out and rolling down. Do not let them dry up. I may laugh but thats what I want. Be careful of what you understood. Because this is one chance you get to undo all the activities going on in these few days. Remember what you taught me, There is a difference between when you give up and knowing when you have had enough. Sure, we love people but it doesn't mean we cannot go against them. Thats what I did and now this is what you need to do.
You remember my words and I.....

I want to remember that 15 year old Manik. That sweet little boy, smiling, showing his braced teeth when he got his scholarship of music academy in London. It was your dream to go there. Music defines your soul bhai, and you express it's thoughts. That year you're going to find your soul and speak of it but you didn't go. Despite of a letter and a mail in your hand, you didn't go because you found a 7 year old tiny little girl weeping in a corner since she got the news of your departure. The reality hit you like a thunderstorm and you took the world's most stupidest decision, you cancelled your scholarship and teared off the admission letter. And I couldn't be any more guilty than that. You destroyed your dream because you had a girl precisely your sister to take care of? Because you promised dad you'll never leave me? And you chose to be with me? Why bhai? Why would you do that? Why did you drown me in this guilt that in many ways I was the barrier between you and your dreams. Your music.

And remember the parents day celebration in my school. When students were asked to come with their parents. There were many students whose parents couldn't come. Those people were busy enough to not attend their own kid's school function. And there was me. The luckiest of all because no matter what, my family was always there for me. It never mattered if my parents were alive or not, or even if my mother left me abandoned, bhai you were always there by my side. You came that day to be with me. So that I don't feel alone. You came there cancelling the most important deal you worked hard for. You did not slept for six consecutive nights bhai just to crack the deal but for me you cancelled it. You slammed your deal off just because you needed to attend my school function? And you thought I would feel happy after hearing that?

Also the day on your first concert. Me, the idiot broke my leg because of my restlessness. And you, more idiot than me instead of going to your concert you stayed in the hospital and yourself went late to the venue. Just WOW!

And you expect me to ignore all this. You expect me to sit quietly and see what sacrifices you do for me? You think that I don't have any bloody idea of what you do for me? You think I am an idiot? That I am I accept to an extent but not enough to notice everything and still be quiet. You smile, you weep, you cry, you shudder, you fear, you hide, you remain quiet. You do have emotions bhai but you are too good at hiding them. And you think I am unware of them? Never forget that there are always two people in this world who can drill out all your secrets within you in just matter of seconds. One, ofcourse me the super genius and second you sure know of her, Nandini di.
So why even pretend?

A manan story:-Our blissful relationship...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें