Chapter 93

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Nandini's pov

What is the most irritating thing about getting married (again) in like 6 days?

That your husband or to-be husband, who loves you more than you think he does, is not letting you do a single work. But he himself is unaware of some important points but still claims to be the wise man of all.
I know I am being cranky. But should you blame me? I am getting married for the first time. And that too, out of my home. Out of my country. I don't even know whats going to happen. I never knew getting married was such a huge task. Its beautiful but its tiring.

Tired of all the mess around me I sat on one of the stairs of the mansion and did the best work I can do, think. I could see people around running and calling and yelling out for one another. And all this for me. For my wedding. I am happy. Trust me, nobody can get this special treatment as I get here in this family. Being Malhotra can never be a negetive point. But seriously, managing your own wedding is really a tough task and when you have people like Manik Malhotra and Mia Malhotra around you who are more interested in selecting the menu for today, the job gets more difficult.

"Grouchy,are we now?" Abhi's voice had my attention.

"Kinda. I know this behaviour is unreasonable and I should be happy but I am......I dont know? May be scared?"

He chuckled and put his arms around me. Somehow it made me relax. Brother's magic.

"Says the girl who took all the responsibilities on her head of a wedding 3 years ago and nailed it. Says the girl who has done something no one could have ever done. Handling and Managing the Malhotra siblings for 4 long years. Says the girl who is the life of The Manik Malhotra and second best friend of The Mia Malhotra. Trust me sister, thats a lot. I could have never ever imagined us here. We were simple and plain human beings, and now just because of you we both got this beautiful family making our life special. More than that we got happiness." He told me. A small smile crept on my lips as I vaguely remembered the moments from day one to this day. It all has been like stars, pretty, blinking and constant.

"You are right. I....we have actually gained a lot. Before we were just Nandini and Abhimanyu. Here, we are someone. We are responsible for someone's happiness. We are responsibility of someone. And thats something we should cherish and be happy about. Not sulk and think whats wrong." I admitted smilling.

"Yeah. Thats what I am trying to say. And Nandu, we all know that this wedding is because Manik wants you to feel special. It was your wish all the way sissy. And you guys are married already, long way back. So please do not take unnecessary tension for whats going to happen. Enjoy this moment. You have lived these years with him, and after this wedding, I am sure nothing is going to change. You people love each other like no one else so just engulf what comes. Rest we'll see. Okay?"

"Yep. Thanks Abhi."

"Anytime sis. Now I gotto go. Mukti, the hulk is waiting for me. And there is still a lot of work to do." He winked at me like always and rushed upstairs.

Some words can mean a lot. They do magic and Abhi's words did. I carresed the ring Manik once gifted me. It was a gift he gave me on our first wedding anniversary.

My cheeks went red picturizing that day. We had already planned to get some alone time. Manik had strictly ordered everyone not to disturb us. No phone calls, no texts nothing for the weekend. Yeah, thankfully it was a weekend and our anniversary lasted for 2 days. Honestly, though we spent those two with each other exploring the city and talking and eating the cheapest to the most expensive food and cuddling and dancing and what not. It was just us but still those 2 days swiftly touched our hearts and went away. They were like the fading footprints on sand, the wave of time came and brushed them off from the shore. Manik had to go for a 2 week long business trip for California and thus I was left alone. They were the most horrible days of my life. Days were however easier but nights, they were awful. So to make it up for me, he brought this pearl and diamond ring for me and apologized. I didnt need this, I wanted him. But whatever, all his gifts are special. They are from him. I know they are always filled with his love.

A manan story:-Our blissful relationship...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें