Chapter 44

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"Don't. Just don't jaan. I am not in a mood to hear that." Manik said angrily. They were standing on terrace. While Manik was standing facing the railing being red, fuming with anger, Nandini was helplessely trying her best to calm him down.

"How could she?? She is no one to say anything to you. And i am gonna make sure she doesn't do it again. I swear." He swored.
"And why the hell did you stopped me from telling that you are my girlfriend?? I don't care what she thinks. She is no one to judge you or us." He almost shouted.

"But Manik. Think about Aliya. She is gonna suffer if we do something wrong. Its just about the wedding then everyrhing will be fine. Trust me." She said.

"Wow! Here i want to tell the world that I am madly and crazily in love with this girl, Nandini Moorthy and she, my girlfriend doesn' want to tell anyone. And she comes to me to compose me. To tell me that i am wrong." He says still in his angry tone.

"But how do you know what i wanted to say??" She asked.

"Jaan, itna toh i know you now. But seriously i am not in a mood to listen to your manofy session. Please, do not even try." He said making please back off face.

"Oh please!! Nobody is here to manofy you." She said.

"So, why are you here??" He asked still angry.

"I...i am here because....ummm...
Yes because i am angry with you. You did not even told me how i am looking! I am so angry with you." She said making a fake angry pout, folding here hands on her chest.

Manik raised his eyebrows and turned to face her.
" you are here because you are angry with me. Thats a first now."

"What first??"

"That you yourself approached me when you are angry with me just to tell me that you are angry. But don't you think so, that it should me who should have approached You." he asked smirking and removing her hair strand behind her ears.

"Do not change the topic Mr. Malhotra. I am serious." She said still with that pout.

He chuckled and draped her waist with his hand.
"Miss. Girlfriend. I am so sorry that you are angry cause of me and i should have atleast complemented you but isme kehna kya hai?? Huh?? You always look stunning and the most beautiful girl in this entire world. Was and will always will be forever. Thats it. No discussion needed." He said genuinly and she smiled.

"Happy?" He asked.

"Very much." Came Mia's voice. Standing there at the doors with a sheepish smile

"What are you doing here Mia? Didn't i taught you, evesdropping is bad." Manik asked faking his anger.

"Oh!! Look whose talking!! The man who himself listens to my phone conversation or atleast try to know whom i am talking to." Mia said.

Nandini looked at Manik with a questioning look. "Don't tell me you did that Manik. Thats gross. What are you? A 50 year old lady?" She asked.

Manik opened his mouth wide, shook his head in a no. Turned towards Mia and glared her.

"Oye Miss Malhotra, what are you talking about?? I never did that!!" He said.

"Really?? Sochlo bhai, i have proofs." Mia said smirking.

Manik gave her a i am so not gonna leave you look. Mia just flinged her shoulders in air and smiled.

"Di leave this and hats off to you girl. Calming down Mr. Monster Malhotra is really a tough job and you do it so easily. I want tips haan!!" Mia said dragging Nandini with her.

A manan story:-Our blissful relationship...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें