Chapter 78

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Nobody's povs.

"How could you? Do you have any idea what this dress cost? You-"

"Enough!! Just shut up!!" A voice roared in the entire office building.
Soha was cut in the middle before she could utter a single word furthur.

Nandini stood there still without any expressions. Her fear had come true. A tear came out rolling of her eyes which she wiped off slowly. A hand grabbed her and pulled her behind him.

"How dare you Ms. Soha?" Manik shouted.

Soha flinched a little with the tone he used and stepped a little back.

"You have no right to acuse and physically abuse with Nandini. How dare you slap her?" He bursted out.

"But sir...She...she intentionally spilled the water on th..this dress."
Soha tried explaining now when she knows that her one move turned out to be one big issue.

"Don't...Don't even dare to answer me. You have no bloody right to touch my Na..Employee. She is mine....employee and no one here is allowed to even touch my people. Dare you Ms. Soha Varun. If I find you near her, I won't listen anyone to keep you here, not even your close friends who referred your name to be in this company. And I don't want you to be here for next 2 weeks. You can go and sew a dress for yourself now. Out!" Manik spat his anger, pulled Nandini with him and went out of the hall.

Nandini saw him with her blurred eyes and followed him as he pulled her to his office. The door opened with a loud bang and both of them entered in. Manik left her hand but she kept on looking at him. He closed his eyes and fisted his fingers together and released them. His knuckles turned white as he oressed his hanfs on table's edge due to anger.

Nandini's tears trailed down her cheeks, red with the finger marks. Her sniffs made his head turn into her direction and just like the storm came, it went away. His expression got tenderized. He took a slow step towards her and looked at her short frame. He wanted to wrap his arms around her like a blanket around a baby to let her snuggle inside him and burst out whatever was inside her. He wanted to tell her that what he said earlier was true but also wanted to apologize for not protecting her. He wished he could let her know what she holds in him. She holds his emotions, she holds his feelings, she holds his gestures, she holds whats inside him hidden, and somewhere he knew she holds him.

She slowly lifted her lashes towards him and saw him with a blurred vision. Something irked inside him, something hurt him. Someone kept a big boulder on his chest.

He slowly rubbed his thumb pad on her cheeks and went near his cabinet to bring a first-aid box. Putting the cream on the red marks he closed his own eyes as she hissed.

Breathing in and out he turned away immediately, showing her his back and hid his expressions.

"Go home Nandini. You can a take a leave for tomorrow." He stated intently. She said nothing, neither affirmately nor argued. Turned her back, collected her bag and stepped ahead. She was too numb to react or even notice what just happened. What she vould feel was her beating heart. Just the reason was unclear. Wad it because of the chaos in tge conference hall or because Manik himself cured her.

"My driver will take you. He is waiting outside the cabin." He more like ordered her. She nodded still with her back and went out.

He stood their watching out of the window. Saw his car moving out. She was going. She cried today but he couldn't do a thing. Where was he?

A manan story:-Our blissful relationship...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें