Chapter 83

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(Manik's room in the media box

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(Manik's room in the media box.
His study, and other parts of his room.)

The day passed as quick as sand slips from your hand. Manik was stuck with his office work and Mia got a great company with Shubh. They didn't name it friendship yet but She was comfortable with him and moreover trust him to a little extend because he was sent by Manik. Manik always chose best for her, she knew it.

But still the night was left. Mia stepped out of the house at midnight and released a breath.

"Just this night and then no lies. I am sorry bhai and di. Never I imagined to do this but I have to. Its for your good. For our good." She assured herself.

"So everything's prepared?" Nandini's voice startled her.

"Di? Aap soye ni?" Mia asked.

"A little nervous for tomorrow. I never proposed and that too for marriage." Mia chuckled at her.

"Well, his reaction will be worth watching. I am excited for his answer. What do you think about his answer?" Mia asked.

"Come lets take a walk." Nandini said and both of them started their troll around the garden.

"About his answer." Nandini started.
"I am not sure if he will say yes or no. I mean I loves me but marriage? I dont know."

"He loves you di. Its your nervousness talking. He will get mad when you propose him. Seriously, I can imagine that big smile on his face. He is waiting for your consent otherwise if it was in his hand he would have married you long back." Mia stated excited. She giggled as if imagining what she said.

"You know your bhai so well." Nandini said in a low voice.

"Definetely, he is all what I have in my life. The one person I have spent my days with is him. But what comes above all this he loves you. He really loves you di please do not leave him. The one problem he has is his anger. Sometimes he really gets overboared with it. I know you're the perfect choice for him. I am happy for that cause you are the only person who knows how to tackle his unnecessary anger." Mia said in a long breath and Nandini listened patiently.

"What he most he craves for is love. Mom I mean Neyonika was never there to give him that and dad was mostly busy with business, I don't blame him though he did that to overcome his past and secure our future. And what bhai was left with was me. A small girl whom he could call his sister. But I want him to happy also and the happiness he gets when he is with you cannot be defined in words. Lucky him, he got you." Mia said.

"And lucky him, you got you Mia." Nandini stated.

"How? I am nothing but just a....just a..." she was unable to complete the word.

"A boon to his life." Completed Nandini.

"Have you ever seen his face when he sees you after coming back home from work? His eyes wander to see you. I agree I am an important part of his life but you Mia are and will always remain his belonging. You belon to him and he belongs to you. I don't whats going on there in that little head but what I want to say is Mia, do not ever undersetimate your position in Manik's life. What you hold in his life is what he can never afford to lose." Said Nandini and left her there before patting her head.

A manan story:-Our blissful relationship...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें