Chapter 92

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Flashback continues.

As they connected, they bloomed. They finally got united, they thrived. They laid all their emotions for each other, they laid their souls for each other, they peeled off the cockles of their heart and happily presented it to each other. Their love got more stronger. Their love crawled to each other's mind and explored the real them.

It was early morning, Manik didn't sleep for a second. He had wrapped around his big arms around a peacefully sleeping Nandini and was time and again pecking her head or her hand just to make sure she was safe with him and comfortable. She had kept her her head on his chest and wrapped her hand around his waist. One could easily tell that she was having her best time ever. Her serene beauty was all Manik could stare at. It had been 4 hours and Manik Malhotra was awake without any sign of fatigue or tiredness. He was busy admiring his wife. His girl.

This one girl, right now in his arms, was capable of doing things she herself was unaware of. She had snatched the monster from darkness and kissed his heart to bring him back to his real being. He somewhere had forgotten how was it, to be Manik alone. Not the rich businessman or the rockstar. But a simple, plain, living, breathing man. She was the reason he didn't just had sex with a girl but made love with all his passion with his lady. His girl. The girl who gave herself, all of hers to him. Completely. And he was glad that he got to show his weakness and strength, both of his extremes to this girl. He smiled and buried both of them a little bit more into the blanket.

After a few minutes of silence, he felt her loosening her grip around him. She snuggled more into his chest finding her solace. He smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Morning morning sunshine." He whispered.

Her lips twitched upwards as she heard him.
"Morning Manik." She replied with the early morning wobling voice.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." She replied.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Better than ever. Just a bit tired." She confessed.

He pecked her nose and sat up straight, craddling her on his lap. He had already wore his boxers and covered her with his shirt. Which was double her size but still, the most suitable.

"I don't wanna leave you." She suddenly whispered.

"You are never going to do that." He assured caressing her cheeks with his thumb.

"You will always love me like you do?" She again spilled out forward her query.

"Ofcourse. What else will I do?"

"Just stay close. Whatever happens, we will go through it together." She finally said kissing his cheeks.

He didnt know why she said that. Neither did he ask. Cause what she said was true. It was their reality. May be she wanted to assure and get assured of it. Whatever it was. He sighed weakly and kept giving her warmth and love.

This was how they started a new mornig of their lives. When they were more close to each other.


"Jaan!!" She heard him.

"Jaan. You again lost?" She again heard him say. Taking in deep breaths she composed herself and found her in their washroom still under the shower.

"Shit sherlocks." She muttered.

He gave out a chuckle. Indeed she again got lost in her own dreams which she has been doing since a lot of time now.

A manan story:-Our blissful relationship...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें