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Egypt. It is hot, humid and beautiful. I stare out of the window watching the buildings past by. Dust, colour and spices. It is amazing. The women walking, talking, buying meat from butchers stalls, browsing through jewellery on wooden slacks. It was full of contrasts. The women who are covered in their Niqabs and those who wear strappy tops and hot pants. The men who are smoking, laughing, chatting and those who carry their children and talk to their wives. The buildings that are old and shaky made out of brick with added wooden extras to make them into stalls in the foreground with tower metal skyscrapers in the distance housing the rich, the tourists, the office blocks of those who could afford luxury. This is my first time in Egypt and I'm already amazed. I just want to jump out of this car and walk along the streets finding hidden treasures just like the locals, but then I would be late to the shoot of the first song for Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham. I couldn't keep the whole team waiting so my little excursion would have to be put on hold until later on in is trip. The car drives past the wooden stalls kicking up dust behind it until we hit a taramac road with the pyramids stretching out in the distance. I can't help but look in awe, my mouth falling into an 'o' shape.
"Beautiful isn't it Miss Devgn," my driver, a local man by the name of Omar says looking in the mirror at my awe.
"It sure is," I sigh as the pyramids become bigger and bigger as we speed towards them.
"You are very lucky to be filming at the great pyramids Miss Devgn," Omar says, "it is once in a life time." I smile at this thought. Me, Kajol, was going to be dancing in front of the great pyramids! Who'd a thought it? We drive on, the pyramids becoming more spectacular as we reach our destination. Multiple cars are already parked with people rushing around some carrying bottled water, others with hairbrushes and bags full of clothes. I see Karan jump from his directors chair and rush across the sand towards my car. I open the door before Omar or Karan could do it for me and the heat blasts me.
"Wow Karan!" I say excitedly, "what a great place." Karan bows playfully.
"I'm one of a kind," he jokes taking me by the arm and pulling me in the direction of a tent. I wave to Omar as he pulls away in the silver Mercedes. "You are very late," Karan sighs, "I mean Shah Rukh has been ready for ages."
"I'm ten minutes late Karan and Shah Rukh can wait for me," I laugh entering the tent. A team of people awaits, a make-up artist, a hair stylist, a costume designer all ready to make me look the part of Anjali.
"Late as usual," a familiar voice says. I look across to the chair in front of the mirror on the opposite side of the tent. There a tall, muscular man sits in a white transparent shirt and white trousers, his hair smooth and parted.
"Or you are just early," I laugh walking over the chair and hitting Shah Rukh lightly on the back of his head, "now if you don't mind," I gesture for him to leave as he turns to look at me a mock sad face plastered on his smooth complexion. He tried to hold his puppy-dog eyes as long as he can but can't help cracking up laughing.
"Laters then darling," he mocks my voice as he jumps up out of the chair and sashays out. I shake my head with laughter.
"So..." Karan starts to speak but Shah Rukh pokes his head back into the tent.
"By the way orange is so your colour darling," he smiles before leaving. I laugh and fall onto the now vacant chair exhausted from the heat and we've not even started filming anything.
"So," Karan begins again, "orange is totally your colour," Karan cracks up laughing before leaving me to the mercy of my team. I turn to my make-up artist but she doesn't say anything just starts to powder my face and draw round my eyes.


I finally understand what they were talking about when they said 'orange is my colour'. I step out of the tent in an orange sari, the heat not easing up at all.
"Waah," Shah Rukh says walking over to me, "just beautiful." I smile and do a mock curtesy .
"Why thank," I smile. Shah Rukh looks at me, ears pricked. I know he's waiting for me to compliment him so I walk straight past him towards Karan sat in his directors chair an umbrella shading him.
"Kajol, just stunning," he says flicking through some paper, "now everyone knows what they're doing because our schedule has been squeezed due to some late arrivals." I feel Shah Rukh bump my shoulder behind me and ignore him playfully.
"It's Kajol first isn't it," Shah Rukh questions placing his fingers on his chin, pretending to stroke a goatee.
"Okay so I'm running into shot from the camera?" I double check. Karan nods his head and we all get into position.
"Music?" Karan shouts, "okay ready on set, three, two, one... Action." The set goes quite p, the music comes on and I begin running as elegantly as possible through sand in the scorching sun. After a couple of takes its time for Shah Rukh to make his magic with his pose-legs bent ever so slightly, arms outstretched and his lips in a cheeky grin. The day progresses like this for the start of the day with the sun in the sky. We do most of the day scenes the heat searing. We do some more takes before Karan gives us a break to cool of and have a snack.
"That was excellent guys," Karan gives us the thumbs up, "next scenes are the more romantic ones." I take a sip of water and look across the sand towards Shah Rukh who gives me a cheeky wink. Our friendship is more like a love-hate relationship. He 'banters' so I 'banter' back but when one of us is in need we can be serious. Right now though was one of those fun moments, filming a Suraj Hua Maddham in the middle of the desert in Egypt with the great pyramids in the background! I down the whole bottle of water before sitting next to Karan and going through the rest of the schedule for our time in Egypt. After around ten minutes we are back to work.
"Okay Shah Rukh, Kajol lets get moving," Karan directs without looking up from his schedule paper.
"Don't make me laugh," Shah Rukh whispers in my ear as we take our stance for the first take.
"As if," I whisper back which inevitably makes him laugh.
"Okay guys, let's get going action!" Karan shouts and the music comes on. All of a sudden a weird tingling runs through my body as Shah Rukh places his hand on my back. I look into his eyes and...

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