Shah Rukh Khan

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Guys, I hope you're really enjoying this fanfic! I'd really appreciate some more feedback: what you like/dislike, what you'd like to see maybe happen in the story, how I could improve? It'd really help me and I'd be so grateful! Keep reading 😉 G x


The first day of filming in London was fun. Kajol and I were still on a high since scouting our first apartment. It feels more like real life than acting. A married couple, a kid, looking after Pooja-Kajol's sister in the film. Kajol may annoy me occasionally but I feel like a schoolboy around Kajol. Even Karan comments on the 'convincing' acting and wonders why me and Kajol always laugh when he says this. We finish filming two day before schedule, which gives Karan enough time to refilm Kareena and Hrithik's song. So Karan gives me and Kajol the rest of the time off to do whatever we want. I knock on Kajol's hotel room.
"Hello stranger," she smiles when she opens the door.
"Hello," I smile back checking up and down the corridor before I walk into the hotel room. It's spacious with a king sized bed on one wall and a window seat on another and a large plasma TV opposite the bed.
"So what did you want to see me for?" Kajol asks crossing her arms across her chest.
"I thought I'd take you out for the day," I announce jumping on the freshly made bed.
"Oh sorry my schedules busy," Kajol sighs playfully shrugging as she wanders past me. I reach out and grab her by the waist pulling her off her feet towards me.
"Hmm is it?" I whisper in her ear.
"Okay maybe I can make time for you," Kajol laughs as I let her go and she stands up brushing herself off. I stand up too.
"Well let's get going," I offer her my arm which she accepts.
"So where are we going?" Kajol inquires as I press the button for the lift. I tap the side of my nose as the doors slide open and we step in. Kajol badges me about ideas as the lift goes to the ground floor. She continues to badger me as we cross the reception area and out the front of the hotel. I see a car waiting for us and usher Kajol in that direction. When we get in the engine starts and we drive away from the hotel.
"Come on?" Kajol begs but I just ignore her pointing out monuments from my window. As we near places Kajol asks if we're going there and I just don't reply smiling. Kajol is like a schoolgirl. Ever since we chose the apartment and we started our 'other' life together she's just become so much happier and so have I. I love Gauri, don't get me wrong, I'll always love Gauri and I'd never break her heart but I also love Kajol and I'd never break her heart either. She knows this, Kajol is exactly the same. She loves Ajay even though he can be the biggest prick you've ever met and I know she'd never want to hurt him, but I also know she'd never want to hurt me either. So we have a sort of contract, an understanding that we would never break our partners hearts but we would never break each other's hearts. The car slows to a halt and we both clamber out.
"Okay so are you going to stop asking me where we're going or do I need to cellotape your mouth shut?" I laugh leading Kajol past the River Thames all the way towards the London Eye.
"Shut up!" Kajol cries when she sees I'm leading her towards the London Eye.
"I didn't say anything," I laugh leading her up the ramps and into a pod-our own, private pod.
"I've always wanted to go on this," Kajol squeals with excitement as the doors shut and the wheel begins to rotate.
"Good surprise then?" I ask leaning on a banister which lines the pod.
"Are you kidding?!" Kajol hugs me so hard I can barely breathe. This is all I wanted to do. Make Kajol happy, see her smile, make her laugh, show her that I appreciate her just the way she is. I don't expect anything Ajay expects from her, rushing into a family, making her feel bad for losing our baby, trying to make her leave the film. I think Kajol knows this, that's why she likes spending time with me. It's not just about pressing our bare bodies against each other, it's about making each other laugh, making each other smile, making each other realise how much we love each other. That's exactly what this day is about, showing Kajol I know her, what she wants, what she would like, what she needs. That's what the apartments for, to show her that I'm thinking long term, yes we are married but it is possible to love more than one person, possible to want more than one person, possible to be with more than one person. We, Kajol and I, are prepared to make the sacrifices, to miss each other in order to be with our partners, to only see each other occasionally, to make the best out of a bad situation. If only we had met and fallen in love straight away... If only. I put my arms around Kajol as she looks out of the pod excitedly pointing out famous landmarks a huge grin on her face. I press my body against her and put my arms around her. She doesn't tense, doesn't move away, just pulls me closer...

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