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"Am I unapproachable?" I ask, "mean? Horrible? Not understanding?" Shah Rukh shakes his head and runs his hands through his hair.
"No," he sighs looking at me.
"Then why lie?" I shrug. It's a simple question and it deserves a simple answer.
"I... The dates match up Kajol!" Shah Rukh shouts throwing his hands around, "what happens if she is mine? I need to make an effort with her." I shake my head.
"And you think I wouldn't understand that?" I question flopping onto the sofa.
"I don't know!" Shah Rukh admits. I have to bite my tongue at this. We have been together for nearly one year and Shah Rukh is acting like he doesn't know me at all.
"I'm pregnant with your children and you think I wouldn't understand?" I inquire furrowing my eyebrows. Shah Rukh kicks at the floor and grinds his teeth.
"That's exactly why you wouldn't understand," Shah Rukh laughs sarcastically. I'm so lost. I thought after we had let everything out into the open that things would be good, that we would be able to talk to one another but evidently not.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I fire back. It makes my head hurt all this going round in circles. Shah Rukh will say that because I'm pregnant he didn't want to upset me and that he thought I would kick off and think he was leaving me or some bullshit.
"You would probably think I was getting back with her," Shah Rukh shouts and I laugh, my guess had been right. I shake my head and scramble off the sofa. I walk towards the door to the hallway and open it startling my mum, Rani, Tanishaa and Karan who are all crouched down listening. I just walk past them and go into the study. I flick the computer on and open the Internet tab I was already using. I hit print and wait for the page to be spat out of the printer, then I grab it and walk back into the living room.
"I hate you right now," I say calmly, "I'm going to bed, do whatever you want." I thrust the piece of paper towards him and he takes its before watching me walk away. It's a DNA test from some big notch company which will either prove Suhana is Shah Rukh's or isn't. I can't lie. I do hope she's not Shah Rukh's. I have never really gotten over the fact that he slept with Gauri whilst I was at home thinking my head was going to explode, worrying the tumour had grown and taken over. But I had tried to put it behind me for the sake of Shah Rukh. I know he felt and feels so guilty about it so I had told him I was over it but deep deep deep down there is always that stupid thought or feeling that maybe he does love her still... Maybe this situation is making that little voice of doubt grow. As I let my head hit the pillow I place one hand over my growing stomach. I didn't want to go back to the hotel with Shah Rukh, sometimes you've just got to be somewhere familiar. I wonder what I'll do if Shah Rukh really does love Gauri? I don't think I can bring up twins by myself and my dad evidently isn't happy. I remember when I was first pregnant he was so happy because he thought things would just drop into place but they haven't. Dad still thinks Shah Rukh will get back with Gauri, dad still thinks I should get back with Ajay, dad still thinks I shouldn't be getting pregnant whilst going through a divorce. Maybe dad is right. But I love Shah Rukh.
"Kajol?" His voice is enough to bring tears to my eyes. I'm a complete idiot!
"I'm sorry I don't want you to think all those things about me," I sob into the darkness and then I feel his strong arms around me.
"I don't think those things I just wanted to make you mad," Shah Rukh whispers into my ear and I let my arms wrap around his torso.
"Well I am mad," I laugh-sob.
"I'll call them tomorrow, I promise," I feel Shah Rukh lean back and remove one of my arms, entwining his pinky finger with mine. I smile and feel myself falling asleep in his arms, something I haven't done for a while.

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