Shah Rukh Khan

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The last two days in London had been such fun with Kajol! I had managed to surprise her and that's what she loves about me, I actually listen to her when she blabbers on. So going back home seemed kind of a shame. I haven't seen Gauri for two weeks so I am excited to see her. I walk through the front door and find her sat on the sofa. I sneak up behind her and put my hands over her eyes.
"Guess who?" I put on a silly voice.
"Shah Rukh," she says pulling my hands off her eyes.
"It's so nice to see you again," I smile sitting on a sofa at the side of her.
"Yeah you too," is Gauri's halfhearted response.
"Is something wrong?" I ask leaning forward.
"I dunno you tell me," Gauri says not taking her eyes off the TV.
"What is it?" I question growing impatient--what had happened?
"My parents want to know why you never see them and I want to know why you're never around anymore," Gauri hisses.
"What? Where is all this coming from?" I stammer confused.
"Oh come on Shah Rukh you spend more time than necessary shooting that film and whenever I'm seeing my parents you're never there," she says looking at me for the first time since I've come through the door.
"Gauri you know this film is going to be big and I'm sorry I've not been here often enough but we did spend five weeks together and it's not my fault I couldn't get tickets to Morocco with you," I reach out my hand to hold hers but she pulls it away.
"Whenever you're around you're always preoccupied," she mutters.
"No I'm not I love being with you," I smile knowing she's just being silly.
"Yeah you 'love' being with me but not my parents," Gauri shouts.
"That's not true I love your parents it's just it's hard you know," I begin before being cut off by Gauri.
"Hard? Why don't you like them?" Gauri acts outraged.
"No that's not what I mean," I sigh as Gauri twists my words, "I mean when I see you with your parents it just brings up a lot of memories." I refer to the fact I don't have any parents so it is hard when I see Gauri with hers, it just shows me what I'm missing. But she just manages to morph everything I say and make out like I hate her parents and I hate being with her. We argue for a good half an hour before I storm out with my suitcase. I decide to go to the apartment-it was a haven away from real life issues. I just want to be alone. I pull into the apartments designated space and turn off my car. My hand hovers over my phone-to call Kajol or not to call? I decide to shove my phone in my bag and get out the car, making my way up the four flights of steps and then towards the apartment. I open the door with the key, it's small (quaint Kajol had said), with tired furniture (antique Kajol had remarked) with only two rooms (cosy Kajol had laughed) and a tiny bathroom with only a shower (unique Kajol had smiled) and barely any hot water (there are other ways to warm up Kajol had flirted). I out my bag on the floor and shut the door with my toe. I stand looking at the sagging sofa and bunny ear TV. This is what I call a 'haven'! Suddenly the high pitched alarm rings through the apartment-I had had it fitted when we bought the apartment-and I half jog half stumble to the keypad tapping in the code.
"Shit," I shout to myself. The clock in the kitchen reads 12:30pm. I hope I hadn't woken anyone or drawn attention to the apartment. After I sigh I decide to use the miniscule bathroom to take a cold shower to freshen myself up. When I get out of the shower and put a towel around me I notice Kajol in the bathroom mirror leaning on the door frame.
"I thought we were being burgled," she sighs leaning her head against the wood concern etched on her face.
"I thought I'd be alone," I remark regretting it. Kajol jolts her head up and looks hurt, she begins to turn away but I grab her arm and pull her towards me.
"I thought you wanted to be alone," she mutters her head down as I envelope her in my arms. I kiss her head and close my eyes.
"I don't want to think," I sigh, she lifts her head up and looks me in the eye, "I've fallen out with Gauri."
"I've made friends with Ajay," Kajol smiles a sad smile, "looks like one of us is always hurt huh?" I laugh at this, a cold hard laugh. It's true, if things are great between me and Gauri they aren't between Kajol and Ajay, if things are good between Kajol and Ajay they aren't between Gauri and I. I lean my face in towards Kajol about to kiss her when she pulls back.
"I don't want to do things out of pity," she shrugs, "I don't want to be something you want in a moment of anger or desperation or wanting revenge or..." The words fail her and she shrinks a little.
"I don't want you because I'm angry or desperate or wanting revenge or whatever you've got going on in your head," I put my hand beneath her chin and move her head up so I can look her in the eyes, "I want you because you're the only stable thing in my life which keeps me happy and I want you because I love you." Kajol semi-smiles. I lean my face in again to kiss her but this time she doesn't back away she lets our lips touch and in this moment I've not fallen out with Gauri because she doesn't exist...

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