Shah Rukh Khan

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I barge through the apartment door and just stand there gasping for breathe. I usually knock and right now I really wish I had knocked.
"I usually knock," I wheeze. I have just ran all the way from my sisters apartment to this one, the one I used to share with Kajol. The route is familiar. I come here to clear my head and knock before entering so I know there is no one home,
"I wouldn't have heard I was in the shower," Kajol points to the bathroom. She stands there wrapped in a towel her wet hair glistening in the sun streaming through the window making me realise why I fell in love with her. This is the first time I've seen her since she threw me out, a whole month ago. We stand staring at each other for a brief minute.
"I didn't know you still had a key," Kajol swallows and begins looking round the living room. It's hardly changed bar from the pictures of us have gone, probably burned.
"You sorta pushed me out the door so I didn't have chance to give them you," I laugh catching my breathe. She smiles briefly before it darts away.
"Well I'll just go and put some clothes on then I'll get out of your way," she hurries into the bedroom but I don't move. I can't believe I'm in this mess! Gauri pregnant, Kajol trying to escape me, me trying to escape me. I'm so wrapped up in my thoughts I almost miss Kajol sneaking out of the bedroom. I want to tell her to stay but I don't-that would be wrong.
"Are you okay?" She asks meeting me at the door. She stands looking at me genuine concern on her face.
"You ever just wanna shout at the top of your voice for the world to leave you alone," I shrug. It sounds stupid but right now that's all I want to do. Kajol smiles before grabbing my arm.
"C'mon," she orders dragging me out of the apartment. I follow her down the stairs, to her car before she drives me along some narrow and winding roads until we reach a car park. She jumps out the car excitedly and I follow as she runs up some steps and disappears over a plateau. I take the steps slow and methodically feeling like an old man. When I reach the top the breathe is knocked out of me. It's breathtaking. I feel like I'm on top of the world! Below is the whole of Mumbai, bustling with people, animals and vehicles but where the sky meets the earth is impossible to tell.
"Let it all out," Kajol smiles at me. I look at her.
"But how?" I ask. She purses her lips thinking.
"Fuck you!" She suddenly shouts throwing her hands out and laughing that vivacious and raucous laugh I had grown to love.
"Yeah fuck you world!" I bellow doing the same as Kajol and feeling the wind whip my outstretched arms. I close my eyes and let the feeling wash over me. Relief. Happiness. Completion. I stand like this for what feels like hours.
"Feel any better?" Kajol breaks the spell. I open my eyes and look at her. In this light she looks even more beautiful. I just can't help myself. I reach out and pull her towards me, but she doesn't resist. I put my arms around her waist. I lean my face towards hers and let our lips touch. I feel a throb of electricity enter my body, tingles race through my arms and butterflies inhabit my stomach. I don't get this feeling with anyone else, only Kajol. Suddenly she backs away breaking the feeling.
"Im not sorry," I say as she turns away.
"I thought you and Gauri were... an item?" She says forcefully.
"What?" I'm taken by surprise. Why would anyone think that?
"It's all over the news that she's pregnant and it's your baby," Kajol looks at me as I step in front of her. She looks genuinely sad. I shrug.
"We are not together," I say, "there's only one girl for me but she likes to play hard to get." A flicker of a smile passes across Kajol's lips.
"I should be getting back," she turns and begins walking away. It's now or never. I can't let her slip through my fingers a second time.
"Kajol wait," I shout jogging after her. She reaches her car and puts her hand on the handle.
"I can take you home," she says, probably pre-empting a question I wasn't even going to ask.
"Lunch?" It pops out, "please let me make you some lunch." The grip on the door handle tightens like she's fighting with herself.
"Okay," she says finally breaking the silence, "lunch."

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