Shah Rukh Khan

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But everything isn't fine. The ambulance came and rushed Kajol to hospital, she didn't want me to go with her with so chose Rani so it didn't draw any unwanted attention. So Karan told us to sit tight, but his version of sit tight was to clear Kajol's schedule for the day and film scenes that didn't involve her. So right now we are filming a scene with Amitabh and Jaya. I just cannot get Kajol's face out of my head. She looked so scared and that makes me scared. We have been filming for at least three hours before Rani arrives back on set.
"She's fine," Rani announces hugging Karan. She has a giant smile plastered on her face which makes me feel somewhat relieved. But as everyone leaves to take a break Rani's composure slips, the smile vanishes and there is a look of panic in her eyes.
"What's wrong?" I grab Rani by the arm stopping her from leaving. I look her directly in the eye as she tries to replaster the smile back on her face.
"Nothing," Rani tries to walk away but I stop her.
"How is she really?" I inquire still looking Rani deep in the eye.
"Fine," Rani says firmly removing her arm from my vice grip furiously. She walks away leaving me alone to my own thoughts. Do I call Kajol? Do I go after Rani? Do I call the hospital? I just don't know. I close my eyes and rub my face with my hand. The only thing I can think is that the worst has happened and right now I don't want to be thinking this. So I decide to find Rani, I am going to get some answers whether she wants to give them or not. I find her on the phone whispering about something but as I get closer Rani's voice gets lower and lower until she hangs up.
"Take me to see her," I plead when Rani spots me.
"She does want to see anyone," Rani shrugs turning away.
"Please," I beg, "let me see her." I stand in front of Rani so she can't walk away.
"She doesn't want to see you," Rani sighs, her face looks apologetic.
"What do you mean?" My eyebrows furrow and my face falls.
"She doesn't want to see you," Rani repeats more forcefully.
"But she doesn't have to see me, I just need to see her," I plea. Rani smiles a sad smile and shakes her head.
"I'm sorry," she shrugs and skirts round me. I close my eyes and feel tears fall down my cheeks. I ball my fist and feel frustration rise inside me until bam I punch the wall beside me.
"Ah," I shout as pain shoots down my arm. I'm just so pissed! Why wouldn't she see me? I'm feeling so confused, what have I done? All I want is to be there for her and she's trying to push me away.
"Shah Rukh," I hear Rani's voice behind me and I don't even bother to wipe the tears from my face as I turn to face her, "I'll take you." Those words fill me with relief, I feel my body inflate as we walk towards Rani's car and drive to the hospital. We drive in silence, I dare not ask any questions in case I don't like the answers or in case Rani stops the car and chucks me out. As we reach the hospital and pass through reception I feel a sense of dread envelope me. My breathe gets heavy and my stomach starts turning making me feel sick. Rani obviously knows where she is going and shows me to a side room, the blinds all shut so you can't see in.
"Hey?" Rani whispers around the door not letting me see in or the patient see out.
"Hi," I hear Kajol's shakily voice reply. Rani turns to me and smiles placing her hand on my back and pushing me into the room in front of her. I'm confronted with Kajol, all sorts of wires hooked up to her, sat up in a hospital gown her face pale and eyes rimmed with red. When she sees me her eyes widen and she quickly looks away not even saying 'hi' to me.
"What's he doing here?" Kajol says to Rani anxiously as Rani shuts the door and takes a seat on the only armchair in the room.
"He wants to see you," Rani replies shrugging.
"I don't care I said no visitors," Kajol continues like I'm not even in the room.
"Yeah well I have some questions you need to answer," Rani puts firmly. Kajol looks all round the room at everything other than me. "What is it between you two?"
"Nothing," Kajol hisses, but Rani doesn't look impressed with this answer.
"Liar," Rani laughs sarcastically, "I'm going to leave and you two are going to talk then I'm going to come back and you guys are going to tell me what's going on!" Rani gets up out of the armchair and leaves the room shutting the door with a bang and a rattle of the blinds.
"What's going on?" I say leaning on Kajol's hospital bed.
"You need to leave," Kajol looks at the opposite side of the room.
"Tell me what's happening," I raise my voice throwing my arms in the air, "I'm concerned about you, I'm scared for you, I want to protect you look after you but you have to talk to me." Kajol finally looks at me.
"I've had an ectopic pregnancy," Kajol shouts, her eyes filling with fresh tears.
"A what?" I fall into the armchair shaking.
"I've lost the baby now please just go," Kajol turns away wiping tears from her face. I feel tears in my eyes at this news. I get up from the armchair and sit on the edge of Kajol's hospital bed. I put my hand on her hand but she throws it off...

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