Shah Rukh Khan

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I stare at Kajol in shock, if I hadn't already been sitting down I would be on the floor right now. What she had just said had hit me like a ton of bricks, like a lorry going at full speed, like an aeroplane landing on the runway.
"You sure?" The words stutter out of my mouth as Kajol collapses on the sofa at the side of me.
"What do you mean am I sure?" She says through gritted teeth.
"Like are you sure it's mine, not Ajay's?" I ask leaning forward in my chair. Kajol licks her lips and puts her elbows on her knees. She covers her eyes with her fingers and puts the palms on her cheeks.
"Two weeks," she repeats like that is supposed to make me remember.
"You could of done anything in two weeks," my voice sounds desperate.
"Yeah like slept with you," Kajol shouts in exasperation.
"But what about Ajay?" Dumb question I know Kajol has been off with him for trying to force her to leave the film and have a baby. Deep down I know-this baby is mine.
"Seriously?" Kajol looks up at me, her eyes welling with tears.
"I'm just... it's just... I..." I stammer as I get out of my chair to sit next to Kajol.
"It's just what, you thought I was going to be easy?" Kajol jumps off the sofa as I try to put my arm around her, "you could tell me all this shit about loving me and sleep with me then drop me when you want because I'm not going to give you any baggage?!"
"No, that's not what I meant," I rub my forehead, "I'm just in shock."
"Shock? My husband has just found out I'm pregnant and thinks it's his baby and I know it's not his baby because it's your baby and you're in shock?" She has a point.
"What are you going to do?" I get up and face her.
"Well what can I do?" She asks exasperated, "Ajay knows." I look at her.
"You mean?" I mumble moving her hands off her face and forcing them to her side.
"Yes Shah Rukh, if Ajay hadn't have come home, hadn't found out then this baby wouldn't even be here," she sobs angrily. I take a step back and turn my back to her tears pricking my eyes.
"I can't believe it," I sigh. I feel Kajol grab my hand and I try to shake her off.
"Shah Rukh I didn't mean it," she pleads, "I would never." I know she would never. She was just saying it because she's scared, I mean she's having my baby when she's married  to another man.
"Why? Why wouldn't you? You don't want a reminder of me in your life," I say turning to face Kajol.
"Because I love you," Kajol yells, "I love you!" The words hit me and I just stare at Kajol as her hands slip off mine. I can't believe it, after these couple of weeks of trying to deny I'm in love with Kajol everything's changed so fast-she loves me too! I have to stop myself from jumping for joy.
"So there's a mini me-you?" I finally laugh pulling Kajol into a hug.
"Yes," Kajol smiles putting her arms on my shoulders.
"Well this is going to be interesting," I say leaning in to kiss Kajol. I wipe away her tears with my fingers.
"Ajay can never find out," Kajol's smile disappears from her face. I nod. If Ajay ever found out I'd be dead, he may be a calm, shy guy but he would do anything to anyone who touched his wife.
"Our secret," I hold out my pinky finger and Kajol twists her pinky finger around it, her eyes lighting up again.
"Shah Rukh is Kajol with you?" Someone shouts outside my trailer pounding up the steps. I hastily dry Kajol's tears as she composes her. Just as the door opens we jump apart.
"Um yeah that was good," I say pretending we had been rehearsing lines.
"Oh sorry am I barging in?" Rani asks hesitantly looking from me to Kajol and back again.
"Oh hi Rani," Kajol smiles taking a step towards her.
"Karan saw your car and wants to talk to you," Rani says slowly, had she seen something?
"Okay let's go," Kajol responds quickly grabbing Rani by the arm and walking her to the door, "bye Shah Rukh." Kajol smiles at me as Rani stumbles down the steps. I wink at her and show her my pinky finger-a promise I wasn't going to break. The trailer door slams shut behind Kajol and Rani and I fall onto my sofa. Shit Kajol is pregnant with my baby! I don't whether to be excited or scared. This is a massive secret to keep from my wife and Kajol's husband. Not to mention we almost got busted by Kajol's cousin! What's going to happen next...

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