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I am so confused. My emotions are all over the place, Shah Rukh is being weird and I just don't know what I'm doing. I stand in my bedroom, looking into the wardrobe for something to wear to the cast and crew dinner tonight. I really didn't feel like going-who wants to go for a meal to celebrate the first successful day of filming?!
"Hey?" Ajay says uncertainty in his voice.
"Hey," I smile at him.
"I was thinking," he continues sitting on the bed, "maybe we should talk." This worries me. Talk about what? Did he know about Egypt?
"Okay?" I elongate the word.
"I mean I know you're supposed to be filming this blockbuster movie but like is it getting you down?" Ajay asks concern in his voice, "I mean I was talking to my mum and she said that stress and anxiety isn't good for, you know, 'baby-making'." This takes me by surprise.
"Seriously Ajay?" I say a little too forcefully turning back to look through my wardrobe. I angrily slide my clothes from side to side making the hangers scrap against the railing.
"What? It's just you know we've been married for a while and it would be really good to start a family soon," Ajay gets up off the bed and puts his hands on my shoulders giving them a squeeze. I shake him off and grab a black sari from the wardrobe, stomping into the bathroom and locking the door behind me.
"I'm not going to be pressured into having kids," I shout through the door holding onto the sink and looking at myself in the mirror.
"Who said anything about pressuring you?" Ajay places his hand on the door with a thumb. I run some cold water and splash it over my face, then I turn my back to the mirror and climb into the shower.
"Why have you been talking to your mum about such personal issue?" I shout, "I'm just so confused."
"Well you've been off lately so I didn't think you'd want to talk about it?" Ajay sighs.
"What do you mean?" Right now Ajay is getting on my nerves so badly. I turn the shower off and grab my towel wrapping it around me.
"Ever since you got back from Egypt!" Ajay shouts, "it's like you don't want me around."
"Well not if you're gonna talk to your mother about our private life," I shoot back shoving my toothbrush in my mouth and cleaning my teeth.
"But she's right," Ajay's tone turns to pleading, "if you're serious about wanting a baby then you need to destress and focus on us."
"Focus on us," I scoff, "I spend more time focusing on us than I do learning my script." I spit out the toothpaste and rinse my mouth with mouthwash.
"Well it seems more like a one-way thing Kajol," Ajay forces, "right now I'm wondering if I made a mistake marrying you. You're loud, self centred and moody." He hits the door and leaves the room, shutting the bedroom door with a bang.
"Ergh!" I scream and throw on the black sari. I brush my hair and blow dry it. I apply some make-up, unlock the bathroom door and put on a pair of black flat pumps. I grab a bag and exit the bedroom, leaving the mess for Ajay to tidy up.
"I'm going," I say to Ajay as I pass him on the sofa.
"Good," Ajay laughs, "it's not like you're here anyway. Enjoy being in your own company and don't bother coming back early." Ajay turns the TV up.
"Why are you being so childish?" I fight to be heard over the programme Ajay is watching.
"Why are you being arsey?" Ajay shoots back, "I don't know why I bother putting up with you. If I'm completely honest I'm surprised you even have friends being the moody self centred woman you are. Don't talk about yourself too much tonight." My mouth widens from shock.
"Well don't expect me home tonight," I angrily hiss and walk out the front door. I am dropped off at the front of the hotel. I tell the driver not to wait around and not to pick me up later. If Ajay was going to act like a spoiler child then he could do it alone.


The meal was uneventful. I walk with Shah Rukh back to the reception area making small talk. All of a sudden my phone beeps. I smile at Shah Rukh who moves across to the seated area and plonks down on a plush sofa. I rummage I my clutch for my phone. When I find it I also find a message from Ajay: still talking about yourself? It said. I feel as though my eyes are going to pop out of my head. Why on earth had he felt the need to text me that. Why is he being so childish? I just want someone to tell that life is going okay, I've made a few mistakes but sure I can get over them-not someone being a right idiot!
"Kajol?" Hearing Shah Rukh's voice makes me feel impulsive. I turn my phone off and throw it back into my clutch.
"Yes?" I turn to face him.
"Everything okay?" He asks.
"It will be," I smile slyly and wander towards the lifts. Earlier in the evening I had booked a room so I didn't have to got home and be with Ajay. It seems this booking might be paying off. Shah Rukh looks around before getting off the sofa and stuffing his hands in his pocket. He too wanders towards the lift.
"What are you planning?" He whispers into my ear.
"Just a night cap," I whisper back, "tea or coffee?" The lift doors slide open and I step inside. Shah Rukh follows and I press the seventh floor button.
"Thought you'd be going home?" Shah Rukh asks as the lift doors close and the lift begins to zoom up to my floor.
"Why would you think that?" I smile as the lift pings open and I wander out into the corridor. Shah Rukh's eyes narrow but he can't help it-he follows me. In this crazy moment I've forgotten all about Ajay. He is just some guy I know, some annoying guy I know. Right now in this weirdly familiar moment all the feelings I had for Shah Rukh in Egypt come flooding back. The tingling sensation, the butterflies, the want for his touch, the need for his touch to keep me alive. I open my clutch with a snap and withdraw the key for the room. I shove it into the lock and twist. The door opens and I push it to enter the room. I turn around, holding the door open. Shah Rukh stands in the corridor, hands still in his pocket.
"You coming?" I ask playfully. Shah Rukh smiles and saunters into the room. As soon as the door closes he grabs my waist and pushed me into the door. His lips touch mine and a bolt of electricity enters my body. Shah Rukh makes me feel alive! I kiss him back unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it off him.
"Are you sure about this?" Shah Rukh suddenly breaks our kiss and takes a step back. I smile and nod my head stepping towards him.
"Of course I am," I whisper into his ear.
"Then why are you wearing this?" Shah Rukh pulls the sari fabric from my shoulder-I admit it is going to be a hassle to get off but worth it.
"Then you better start unwrapping," I laugh playfully kissing Shah Rukh's lips. He smiles and pulls me in by my waist. Right now this feels perfect, right now this is the only place I want to be, right now I think I'm falling in love with Shah Rukh Khan and...

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