Shah Rukh Khan

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It's been three weeks since I first noticed Kajol clutching her head when she thought nobody was watching. It's been three weeks since she lied to me that she was fine. It's been three weeks since I started recording all the times she would be in pain. We are currently at a very swanky restaurant. She's moving salad leaves around her plate.
"Not hungry?" I ask, shoveling a forkful of lasagna into my mouth. Kajol shrugs. She's been so different lately, more snappy, moody, easily offended.
"No," she replies shortly. I chew the meat and pasta slowly, as Kajol puts her fork down. I swallow and take a sip of water.
"Don't," I start to say.
"Don't what?" Kajol snaps, rubbing her head, "seriously Shah Rukh." Why is she angry with me?
"What have I done?" I put my fork down too. Kajol purses her lips before grabbing her bag and standing up.
"I can't," she turns and walks away from the table. I grab my wallet from inside my jacket and put some bills on the table before walking after her. I open the door and leave the restaurant. Kajol is storming up the street.
"Kajol!" I shout after her but she doesn't stop. Maybe it's the stress of Ajay, I mean he is being really arsey about this divorce and that is really stressing Kajol. God she can walk fast when she wants to. I jog after her but get a stitch. Damn I shouldn't have eaten that Lasagna at least then I'd be able to catch Kajol up.


I find her at 'Lovers Ledge', a cliff where couples go and watch the sea or sit on the tree with a branch that's perfectly formed into a chair. It is said that if you tie a ribbon around the tree then not only will you love your partner in this life but in all the other lives you'll have during reincarnation. I knew Kajol believed in it, but I didn't-when you die, you die. She is sat on the ledge, her legs dangling over the side. One slip and you'd be falling into the sea, definitely signing your death certificate. I slowly walk towards her and lower myself down next to her, dangling my legs over the side too.

"High up here," I joke, but Kajol doesn't laugh. I put my hand over hers but she just slides it out from underneath mine and places it on her lap.
"I fall off here, every night. You're stood here at the top and I shout your name and try to reach for your hand but I just fall and fall and just keep falling further and further away from you until you're just a pinprick," Kajol says to the sea.
"I would never let you fall," I whisper to her, but she doesn't look at me. There's something odd going on. Maybe she is going to get back with Ajay? Maybe she no longer loves me anymore? Maybe all this is too much for her?

"I've got a brain tumour," the words just fall out of her mouth.
"What?" I feel as though the Earth has stopped moving.

"I've got a brain tumour," Kajol repeats, my mouth falls open and tears begin to well in my eyes.
"When? What? Where? How?" I don't know what I want to ask, I don't know what I want to know but I feel as though I need something more that this information.
"Last Friday I didn't go to see my parents, I had an appointment to get the results of a brain scan. I have an benign brain tumour probably caused by my accident. They say they'll have to operate, that's why I've been having headaches and my personality has changed and stuff," the words hit me like bullets.
"You're not?" I can't even finish my question. The thought of losing Kajol, when she had that accident and I thought I'd lost her...

"They say they don't know till they've removed it," Kajol shrugs, "I'm sorry it's taken me so long to tell you but I had to digest the information but right now I just want to be alone." She slides backwards before getting up. She looks over the side to the jagged rocks below. Then she turns and walks away. It's been five days since she found out. Five days I could have been there for her.

"Kajol!" I shout after her but she just keeps walking away. As she gets smaller and smaller the tears start to fall. Looking at her walking away makes me feel like I'm already losing her. I can't lose her. I love her...

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