Shah Rukh Khan

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"Kajol?" I tentatively ask through the door. No reply.
"Kajol I just want to check you're alright?" I try again. No reply.
"Kajol you seemed really upset and I've just seen Karan leave like he's getting on a flight?" Again I ask through the door. No reply.
"Kajol!" This time I say it with a little more force.
"Go away," she mumbles. I do a silent tantrum before realising I have Kajol's bag which has the hotel room key in it which will allow me to get into her room. I bend down and pick up the bag, unzip the top of it and thrust my hand in. I rummage around picking out objects like her purse, a pen, her passport and a cheese sandwich-I have to stop my self wrenching. Finally I find the room key and swipe it on the door before barging into the room.
"Hey!" Kajol shouts as I dump her bag on the floor by her bed.
"Look okay we need to talk," I say calmly making my way to the opposite side of the room and perching on the vacant chair.
"Shah Rukh what we did was wrong!" Kajol hisses through her teeth jumping up off her bed and storming around it. She stops in front of me so I stand up pursing my lips.
"I know it was but we still need to discuss it," I try to calm her down.
"We need to tell our partners," Kajol turns her back to me folding her arms across her chest.
"How do you think they'll take it though?" I question moving around her so I stand in front of her trying to glimpse at her face.
"Oh I dunno," Kajol puts her head in her hands and begins to sob.
"Hey it's okay," I go to hug her but she bats my arms away angrily.
"How is it okay?! It's practically like cheating," she shouts.
"But it felt right in the moment," I shrug in a state of confusion sitting on the edge of the bed, closing my eyes and rubbing my forehead.
"And?" Kajol sarcastically laughs. 'And?' I thought to myself. So is she admitting it was right in the moment? I open my eyes and look at her like really look at her. There my stomach goes again doing flips.
"Don't you think it's a sign?" I ask, "don't you think it means something?" Kajol drops into the chair and leans back.
"I love Ajay," she says forcefully.
"I don't doubt you do," I lean forward to touch her knee, "I love Gauri but there's something about you." I remove my hand and shake my head.
"There's something about you too," Kajol murmurs trying to stop herself from crying. I push myself up off the bed and take Kajol's hand pulling her gently out of the chair. She doesn't fight me but gladly accepts me when I put my arms around her and hold her as she sobs.
"You do know you're making my shirt wet?" I say jokingly.
"Shut up," Kajol quietly laughs gently hitting my chest. I smile and feel her smile too. This moment like before just feels so right. It feels like us against the world like Gauri and Ajay don't exist that we never met them that we didn't marry them that me and Kajol were never separated. To me it didn't feel like cheating when I was with Kajol but when she left me I was wracked with guilt but I couldn't help coming back for more. I felt like a naughty child who's parents had told them not to hang around the the cheeky child down the road but in our stolen moments we would be together and it would feel so great at the time but then we separated and the guilt set in. Suddenly Kajol lifts her head off my chest.
"I think..." she begins to say but I stop her by kissing her and like before she kisses me back. We knew we were lying to ourselves when we said it was wrong. We knew we were lying to ourselves when we said we couldn't do this because right now in this moment it was the only thing keeping us alive. I feel Kajol wrap her delicate arms around my neck and my hands find there way to her waist. Before I know what I'm doing my fingers have found the hem of her t-shirt and I begin to lift it up. Kajol doesn't stop me just slowly traces the collar of my shirt before finding the top button and popping it through the button hole. We break the kiss only so I can lift her t-shirt over head. The next thing I know we're lying together on the bed my shirt fully unbuttoned and our skin touching. Right now there is nothing in this world I wanted more than Kajol and from the way she was kissing me there was nothing in the world she wanted more than me.


I blink my eyes open, the remaining sunlight forcing its way through the window across the room. For a moment I don't know where I am-this doesn't look like my hotel room? Then I remember, looking down next to me seeing Kajol lying there my arm over her with her hand on mine. I smile to myself-she looks beautiful in this light. I lie back down and use my free hand to brush her hair from her face.
"Stop it," she mumbles a smile playing on her lips. I kiss her cheek which makes her open her eyes. She turns to face me and puts her hand on my chest.
"So?" I trail off looking into her eyes.
"So?" Kajol smiles back.
"Shall we order some room service and pay for a crappy rom-com?" I whisper into Kajol's ear as she rests her head on my chest.
"Mmm or we could just go to the hotel restaurant," Kajol uses her finger to trace a circle on my chest.
"I just wanna stay in this moment forever," I kiss the top of Kajol's ear. Right now, right here everything was perfect. I didn't want to leave this little bubble we had created.
"Move, go and get changed," Kajol laughs pushing me to the edge of the bed. I sigh playfully and swing my legs onto the carpeted floor.
"What time shall I meet you then?" I say dragging my trousers up my legs and rummaging round on the floor for my shirt.
"How about half eight?" Kajol replies. I turn around and kiss Kajol on the lips.
"I'll see you then," I smile as I make my way around the bed and open the hotel door. As the door slowly shuts I hear the phone ring and...

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