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Hi guys, I would be really grateful if I could get some feedback on what I've written so far. What do you like/dislike about the writing and what would you like to see going on forward? Thanks G x

I answer the phone blissfully unaware of who's on the other end. All I could think about was Shah Rukh. The way he holds me, kisses me, makes me laugh. He is perfect and when I'm with him I feel perfect, complete.
"Hello?" I sigh with a smile on my lips.
"Kajol?" A familiar voice bursts my bubble.
"Ajay?" My pitch heightens, my stomach cramps and I feel my chest tighten.
"I just got a call from Karan telling me you have heat exhaustion?!" Ajay rushes down the phone, panic evident in his voice.
"No, no I'm fine I just didn't eat enough on the plane this morning," I try to calm him. My breathe quickens, a sense of realisation sweeps over me. I, Kajol Devgn, had just slept with Shah Rukh Khan! All the boundaries you set as a friend had been broken. I had betrayed Ajay.
"He said you left the set, you never leave the set?!" Ajay blabbers on as I put my hand on my chest feeling my heart pounding.
"It was just..." I trail off unable to finish the sentence.
"Maybe I should come out there, visit you?" Ajay propositions, "look after you, check you're okay?"
"Why would you do that when I'm coming home?" I try to laugh but it just comes out as stammer. 'Shit' I say to myself!
"What?" Ajay exclaims down the phone. I swallow, I don't even know if there is a flight out tonight!
"Well Karan's doing some other filming and you know," I blabber. I just felt guilty for my betrayal. I love Ajay I really do but whenever I'm with Shah Rukh it's like a rush. Like no one else exists. Like we're not betraying anyone, we're just...
"Kads?" Ajay uses my nickname using it to train wreck my thoughts.
"Yeah," I agree, unsure of what Ajay has just said.
"Kajol have you listened to anything I just said?" Ajay sighs. Of course I hadn't been listening. It was like Shah Rukh Khan had poisoned me and I had him running through my veins.
"Look Ajay I'm coming home please stop worrying I've got to go and make my way to the airport," I could feel tears pricking at my eyes.
"If you're sure," Ajay sighs again this time with a little more sadness.
"Okay then."
"I love you," Ajay says. I open my mouth to say it back but find myself being stopped.
"Yeah me too," is the only thing I manage to squeeze out of my mouth. I put the phone down before Ajay has a chance to say anything back. I feel a tear roll down my cheek and I scream out of frustration. Why am I feeling sorry for myself?! I had had a decision: stop Shah Rukh when he kissed me or kissed him back. I chose to kiss him back, that was was my decision so why am I so full of self pity?


"Check out Miss Devgn?" The girl at reception asks.
"Yes," I mumble sliding my key card across the desk, not giving any eye contact in case she sees my guilt. She presses some buttons and swipes the card as I stand there watching the minutes on the clock tick by. It's twenty past eight-ten minutes until I'm supposed to be meeting Shah Rukh for dinner. The thought makes me cringe.
"The car is waiting outside to take you to the airport Miss Devgn," the receptionist gestures towards the revolving doors, "you're lucky there was a seat left on the flight." She smiles as I collect my passport and walk towards the doors. I step from the cool of the reception into the still blazing heat of Egypt. Omar is sitting in his Mercedes and jumps out of the car when he sees me to open the car door and collect my luggage.
"To the airport then Miss Devgn?" Omar asks as he climbs into the drivers seat.
"Yes," I reply looking out the window as the engine roars into life, "home." As we pull away and weave our way through the streets of Egypt towards the airport the clock on the dashboard blinks from 8:30 to 8:35 to 8:40. I close my eyes, what am I doing? Why do I feel so guilty for sleeping with Shah Rukh and feel so guilty for missing a stupid dinner with him to see my husband? I wonder how Shah Rukh will react when he realises I'm not joining him for dinner and...

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