Shah Rukh Khan

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I look back. She looks so different, so beautiful. This weird tingling feeling runs through my arms making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. My mind flashes back to all the 'moments' we've ever had together. Good times, bad times, funny time but never times like this. There isn't even a word to describe this moment. I feel like looking into Kajol's eyes right now I'm seeing more of her than I've ever seen before. It feels like I'm looking into her soul and in return she is looking into mine. I want to break away, take a long deep breathe, try to get back on track but instead I continue to gaze into her eyes, spellbound.
"Guys?" I hear Karan shout and this tingling feeling is suddenly broken. I remove my hand from Kajol's back and take a stumbling step backwards, rubbing the back of my head. Kajol also takes a step backward but turns away at the same time-she must have felt it too.
"Sorry Karan," I shout back, "we'll go again." I flash him a thumbs up before shaking my hands out and bouncing on the spot taking deep breathes in. 'Get a grip' I tell myself as Kajol turns back to face me, only she can't look at me she just stares at my feet.
"Okay positions," Karan says. I take a step towards Kajol, this tingling feeling already starting to rush through me. I place my hand on her back and feel my stomach do flips. Kajol's back tenses and she suddenly raises her eyes until they are locked with mine. The only time I've ever felt this way was the first time I met Gauri, but I couldn't feel the same way about Kajol, could I? I loved my wife, and she loved her husband?
"Action," I hear Karan shout and the music comes on. I try to mould my mouth into the words I was supposed to be miming but I just look like a gasping fish. Suddenly Kajol abruptly breaks position.
"I can't do this," she whispers so I was the only one who could hear. She turns, her face going pale, and walks in the direction of her tent. Karan jumps up off his seat and gestures for the music to stop.
"Kajol?" He calls her.
"Just don't feel good, probably the sun," she calls back pushing through the flaps and entering her tent. I gesture that I'd go talk to her and Karan nods his head before turning back to his team and bossing them around. I hurry across the sand and barge into Kajol's tent. She is sat on her chair with her back to me, head in her hands.
"You okay?" I ask quietly.
"What do you think?" Kajol snaps. I take a tentative step forward.
"You felt it too?" I ask unsure of her answer. She stands up and turns to face me.
"It was just the character," she lies walking toward me at a brisk pace, " it's the music, the sun, the backdrop, the words, it's the film."
"The film?" I mock, "seriously Kajol you can't deny what just happened." She stops a few feet away from me so I fill the gap, the weird tingling sensation and stomach flips start. Kajol tries to move away but I grab her arms and force her to stay where she is.
"It's not real," she whispers tears forming in her eyes, "it's character."  I pull her into me and wrap my arms around her closing my eyes as I place my chin on her head. After a few moments she too wraps her arms around me and in this moment it feels like it's just us in the whole world and no one can break us. Suddenly I don't know what comes over me. I lean back gently pushing Kajol's shoulder back. I look at her face and she looks at mine. Then I slowly move towards her and she doesn't move just waits to see what I'm about to do. So I continue until my eyes shut and my lips touch hers. Kajol doesn't flinch like I expect her too she just kisses me back. So we stand there in her tent kissing each other. Right now I don't have a wife and Kajol doesn't have a husband, it's just us and this kiss feels perfect feels so right like we've been waiting so long to do it. Then Kajol backs away abruptly. Our embrace breaks and she looks at me the colour draining from her face. Her mouth opens and she begins to shake. I try to reach out and touch her shoulder but she rushes past me out of the tent leaving me to contemplate what just happened. I just kissed Kajol and it felt strangely right. I hear a car door slam and...

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