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"Where are we?" I ask nearly tripping over but feeling Shah Rukh's arms around me. As soon as we had left the hospital and got into his car he had put a blindfold on me and told me not to take it off until he said I could. I had protested and told him I am supposed to be having lunch with my parents but he hadn't listened.
"Yeah one minute Miss Clumsy," Shah Rukh laughs leading me to a spot and stopping, "wait here." I do as he says because I feel completely lost with this blindfold on. I stand trying to listen to any noise but this place sounds completely empty.
"Shah Rukh?" I say after a few minutes.
"Okay take it off," Shah Rukh shouts playfully. I feel for the tie on the back of my head and pull the fabric until it falls from my eyes. I blink a couple of times to get used to the change from dark to light. When my eyes adjust I wonder where I am. There's a huge panoramic window in front of me with a U-shaped sofa positioned in a dip in the floor, a TV opposite it and a coffee table sandwiched between the two. To my left is an open kitchen with a breakfast bar, the cupboards white with silver appliances. To my left are three doors each with a sign on them. One sign reads: Master Bedroom, next to it says: Baby's Nursery and the last sign says: Aryan's Room. I open my mouth to say something but no sound comes out. I'm completely in shock, standing by the door to this huge apartment on a raised platform with glass panels stopping anyone from falling and steps leading down to the main floor in the middle.
"What do you think?" Shah Rukh whispers behind me and I jump.
"I... What?" I stumble to say turning to face him, my face painted with complete and utter discombobulation.
"I've spoken to your parents and they agreed to let you move in with me if you want to?" Shah Rukh envelopes me in his arms making puppy dog eyes, "I saw this apartment and thought it suited us perfectly so I sorta bought it and sold our old apartment."
"So there is no lunch?" I whisper placing my forehead on Shah Rukh's closing my eyes.
"There in one of the rooms waiting for you to say yes," Shah Rukh whispers back.

"Do I have to say it loudly then so they can here?" I ask a playful smile taking over my lips.
"Nah not if you think they'll be able to hear you whispering," Shah Rukh laughs playfully. I open my eyes and look at my growing stomach.

"Okay I guess I'll move in with you then seen as you asked so nicely," I say loud enough for my parents to hear-hopefully.

"Yes we're rid of her again!" My mum jokes coming out of the master bedroom first and I shake my head and roll my eyes. She always tries to be funny when she's sad. I know she'll miss me moving out again but this time... This time I won't be going back home. This is my new home. I see my dad shuffle out still with a grumpy expression followed by Tanishaa, Rani, Shehnaz, Aryan and some of Shah Rukh's friends. Aryan runs up to us and Shah Rukh breaks our embrace grabbing him before he can jump at us and holding him away from me.
"Jeez Aryan what have I told you?" Shah Rukh asks urgently, his eyes wide with fear.
"Oops, sorry," Aryan's smile drops and his mouth forms a tiny 'o', "no running at Kajol." I smile and rub Aryan's hair with my hand.
"It's okay I'm more durable than I look," I laugh walking over to my parents. My dad doesn't look at me but my mum pulls me into a bear hug followed by my sister and then Rani so I'm in a sandwich of Mukherjees.
"I'll miss you," my mum sobs pushing us away and wiping her tears defiantly.
"I'll miss you too mom," I smile and hug her again before turning to my dad and pulling the ultrasound out of my pocket. I open it and show it to him, "thanks for understanding dad." For a moment I think he's going to walk off but he can't help it, his eyes dart towards the picture and a small but very much real smile tugs at his lips.

"Oh I'm so happy for you," he says crushing the picture between us as he pulls me into a hug. Well even though I'm not divorced yet things couldn't be going any better. I'm with the man I love, my parents are happy for me, we're starting a new family and Aryan doesn't seem to mind I'm with his dad. 'What could go wrong?' I think. Eventually the divorce will go through because I'm no longer living with Ajay and by that time Shah Rukh and I will have a one year old toddling round the house and Aryan to pester us but it will be everything I'v ever wanted.

"What could go wrong?" Shah Rukh whispers into my ear kissing my cheek still with Aryan in his arms. I smile.
"Nothing," I reply... But how wrong could we both be.

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