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"Just drive," I hit the back of Omar's seat impatiently turning to look out of the window to check Shah Rukh hasn't followed me out. Omar puts the car in gear and begins to reverse at incredible speed before shooting off in the opposite direction of the great pyramids and the filming location. I slump back into the cool leather seat and rub my head with my right hand. What had just happened?
"Are you okay Miss Devgn?" Omar asks concern in his voice. I shake my head and close my eyes trying to block out everything, the sound of the engine, the sound of my breathe, the sound of the air being pushed out of the air conditioning. We drive in silence for a while just my thoughts keeping me company.
"Can we go to the hotel?" I sigh cracking my eyes open letting in the sunlight.
"Of course Miss Devgn," Omar clicked the indicator on and turns the car down a small alley past all the markets still bustling like this morning. As I stare out of the window realisation hits me. I had kissed Shah Rukh Khan in a tent in the middle of the bloody desert!
"Omar?" I whimper, "do you love your wife?"
"Of course Miss Devgn, very much she is my life," Omar answers seriously glancing in the rear mirror at me, "why?"
"Do you think it's possible to love two people?" My question sounds stupid when I say it out loud.
"I don't know," Omar shakes his head weaving his way through the streets of Egypt, "what do you mean?"
"Like when you look at your wife do you get this tingling feeling? Like she is the most important person in the world?" I try to make sense of what I'm saying.
"Oh yes," Omar enthuses, "like butterflies in the stomach."
"Yeah," I sigh, "do you ever look at anyone else and feel the same?"
"Oh no Miss Devgn," Omar shakes his head furiously, "marriage is a sacred vow to one person and one person only." I sigh and go back to looking out the window. Omar is right I love Ajay and only Ajay I was just getting caught up in the commotion of the film and the characters. I didn't love Shah Rukh... Did I?


I walk straight through reception in my orange sari inviting looks from all the other hotel guests. I reach the lift and impatiently press the 'up' button until the lift pings and the doors open. I hurry in and impatiently press the floor 2 button then the door close button. I just need to lie down and clear my head then all this will blow over, I lie to myself. The doors close and the lift begins to move upwards, I slump against the wall of the lift feeling all the energy I have left in my body slide out of me. When the lift opens on floor two I just about manage to drag myself out and down the corridor towards my room. I stop in front of a door the number '207' engraved into the wood.
"Shit," I mumble. I don't have my room key, it's in my bag which is still at the filming location. I'm about to lose the will to live and curl up in a ball in front of the door when I hear a creaky trolley being pushed down the hall. I look up and a maid is pushing the trolley down the hall-in my direction.
"Excuse me," I call and the maid lifts her head to see if someone is talking to her or not.
"Yes," she points to herself as if asking if I am talking to her.
"You don't possibly have a key for this door do you?" I ask my face contorting to prevent me from crying, "I've left my key in my bag at a filming location." I hope this might help her realise who I am so she doesn't make me go all the way back down to reception for a key.
"Of course Miss Devgn," the maid reaches into her pocket and abandons her trolley hurrying down the hall towards me. My eyebrows furrow and I wonder how on earth does she know my name? I mean sure I hoped she'd recognise me but I was doubtful, I wasn't a big star in Egypt. When she reaches me I notice she has a card in her hand which is attached to her uniform by a red spring, probably so no one can steal it. She ships the key across the black pad above the door handle and the green light twinkles.
"Thank you," I'm so grateful that she just happened to be passing. The maid smiles at me before rushing back to her trolley. I push down on he door handle and barge into the room. It feels so cool. As the door closes I slump against it and eventually slide down until I'm sitting on the floor my knees up arms wrapped around them. I sit like this for a couple of minutes before the phone in my rooms rings. It is a loud shrill noise which hurts my head at this moment in time. I push my hands down on the plush carpet and lift myself to my feet. Shuffling towards the phone I reach my arm out and scrunch my fist around the receiver lifting it to my ear.
"Hello?" I answer, the plastic feels cool against my ear.
"Miss Devgn, there is a Mr Johar on the phone for you shall I put him through?" The woman at reception asks. Oh god Karan was calling. What was he going to say? Did he know something had happened? What happens if Shah Rukh told him? What would he think of me? "Miss Devgn?" The receptionist breaks my train of thought.
"Yeah sure," I breathe down the phone my legs beginning to shake. I sit on the edge of the bed to prevent myself from buckling.
"Kajol?" Karan's voice echoes down the phone.
"Karan I'm so sorry I just wasn't feeling well I had to leave and I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you but," I rush down the phone.
"It's okay Shah Rukh told me," Karan stops be from blabbering on, "you've got a bit of heat exhaustion he said so I've called a doctor and he's coming to check on you." Karan reassures me that kiss was not a topic Shah Rukh and Karan had spoken about.
"No really I don't need a doctor I just need a lie down," I say.
"Kajol heat exhaustion can be serious and as my best friend I have a duty to care and look after you for Ajay," just hearing his name sent shivers down my spine. Ajay. What had I done! I had kissed another man, betrayed my husband. I feel so full of guilt, so full it makes me feel sick, so sick that I drop the phone and rush to the bathroom throwing the toilet seat open and emptying what looks like my breakfast down the toilet. I can't help but begin to sob, tears falling down my cheeks as I lean against the bathroom wall. One hand reaches for the flush the other reaches up to wipe away my tears. I shouldn't have this self pity I had kissed Shah Rukh back so it was my fault and I had to take full responsibility of my actions.
"Kajol?!" I hear my name in the air and look through the bathroom door. Oh god the phone I was on the phone. I get up as fast as I can and stumble through to the bedroom grabbing at the phone as I collapse onto the bed.
"Sorry Karan," I slur.
"Right that's it Kajol I'm coming over with a doctor whether you like it or not!" Karan can be very bossy when he wanted to be.


"So you've been sick, your bp is higher than usual and you have a headache and dizziness, no?" The doctor as writing notes in a little notepad.
"Yes," I say. Karan sits in the chair in the corner of the room rubbing his hands together nervously.
"And you've never had heat exhaustion before?" The doctor asks looking me in the eye.
"No I just think I didn't eat enough at breakfast and I've not been drinking enough water," I babble but the doctor puts his hand up to stop me.
"You just need some rest and to drink plenty of water," the doctor turns to Karan, "I'd say at least two days." Karan rises from his seat nodding his head.
"Yes yes thank you doctor for coming at such short notice," Karan shakes the doctor's hand enthusiastically before showing him out of my room.
"I'm sorry Karan," I smile at him as he comes back into the room and plonks himself on my bed.
"Well at least you didn't get sick on your sari," he gestures to the orange sari hanging up in the empty wardrobe.
"I guess," I say looking down at the black tracksuit bottoms and white t-shirt I could manage to salvage from my luggage.
"Okay so two days behind on the schedule," Karan is straight back to business, "I can manage to get a flight out tonight so I can go to India and begin filming with the Bachchans and Rani if that's okay with you?"
"Karan do whatever's best," I sigh.
"Then I'll be back to continue filming this song," Karan's face illuminates and I can't help but laugh. Karan hugs me before we say our goodbyes and leaves me in peace. I turn the TV on and watch a bit of Egyptian shopping channel. To be honest some of this stuff looks quite good. Suddenly there's a knock at the door and...

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