Shah Rukh Khan

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A whole week off. Just so happens it coincides with Gauri going to see her parents with Aryan for a week on holiday in Morocco. It was too late for me to book on so I would have to spend the week alone. Well that's the way I planned to spend my week but a couple of nights in I couldn't bear the same shows on TV. I had to get out the house. So I jump in my car and just drive. I don't want to eat, drink I just drive until I end up outside a very familiar house. I park my car in the street and just sit in it watching Kajol's house. Why on earth had I come here of all the places?! As I watch I see Ajay's car pull out of the driveway-he has a very furious looking face and then I spot Kajol shouting after his car in vain. As Ajay's car turns off the street and Kajol goes back inside I decide to pull into the driveway. I get out my car and slowly walk up the front steps like if I make the wrong move I'm going to be electrocuted. When I'm at the front door it takes me three attempts before I knock. I hear feet scuffling inside before the door opens and I see Kajol stood in a white t-shirt and black jeans.
"Hi," I say staring at her. She doesn't say anything at first just looks shocked like I'd told her she'd won the lottery.
"Hi," she says slowly, elongating the word.
"Erm I just wanted to check in," I mumble. This was such a stupid idea. Then I notice the red eyes, the streaks of eyeliner on her cheeks.
"Maybe nows not a good time," she stammers realising I've seen the tear marks but doesn't attempt to close the door.
"Yeah," is my measly response.
"Do you maybe want to come in?" Kajol asks opening the door a little wider. I nod my head and step inside. She closes the door after me and we walk in silence to the kitchen.
"Erm," I mutter leaning against the island counter.
"A drink?" Kajol ask trying to smile.
"A glass of water would be great," I smile back. Kajol reaches for a cupboard and gets a glass then she walks towards me. For a moment we just stare at each other then she gestures around me to the tap I was blocking.
"Sorry," I laugh about to move out of the way. Suddenly Kajol drops the glass with a smash on the floor and throws her arms around me. I envelope her with my arms and hold her against me as she begins to sob.
"I'm sorry," she breathes through sobs. I push her back gently and use my fingers to dry her tears.
"Don't be," I whisper leaning in to kiss her. She kisses me back and I spin her around pushing her into the counter. I feel Kajol reach for the bottom of my t-shirt and pull it over my head, dropping it on the floor. She puts her arms back round my neck and pulls me in the direction of the spare bedroom.
"Kajol," I breathe between kisses as I pull her t-shirt off and drop it in the hallway.
"Just shut up and kiss me," Kajol leans back in to kiss me as she pushes me through the bedroom door.


"I'm worried about you," I whisper into Kajol's hair.
"Mmm," she mumbles lacing her fingers with mine.
"Kajol?" I lift myself up with my elbow so I can see her face.
"I'm fine," she says staring at the wall. I know she's lying to me. She's supposed to be spending the week with Ajay yet here we are lying together our bodies against each other.
"The only good things that's come of being your friend for so long is the fact I know when you're lying," I push a strand of hair off her face, "I mean I've just seen Ajay storm off in his car and you chasing after it shouting."
"He wants us to try for another baby," Kajol sighs.
"Already?" I ask shock spreading across my face.
"Ajay's spoke to his parents and they've all agreed we should try again so I invited them round for dinner and I got bashed all night with them telling me I should give it another shot," Kajol stutters.
"That's not fair though," I respond shaking my head.
"You know every night these past four days he's tried to get me to make another baby," she says angrily, "I just can't! Then tonight he's had the audacity to say I'm a rubbish wife because I can't carry a baby."
"Hey, I've been thinking," I smile, this idea is one of the best I've had.
"Hm, you've been thinking what a surprise," Kajol laughs lying on her back and smiling at me.
"Oi you might like this idea," I kiss her head.
"Go on then," she giggles.
"Why don't we buy an apartment together?" I inquire. Kajol's face falls with shock before a smile begins to creep across her lips.
"Kads?" A familiar voice rings out through the hall.
"Shit it's Ajay," I whisper through gritted teeth. Kajol's mouth falls open as we clamber out of bed. I drag my chinos on as Kajol pulls on her jeans. We both scrabble around on the floor for our t-shirts before Kajol abruptly stands up.
"They're outside," she says anxiously. Shit I remember her pulling my top off in the kitchen and I flung hers in the hall.
"Kajol?" Ajay's voice comes closer as his feet scuffle against the floor.
"I'll hold my thought shall I?" I refer to the apartment idea looking for a place to hide. Suddenly the handle to the door twists and...

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