Shah Rukh Khan

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It was a bit of an outburst. Kajol hurries off in the direction of the toilets leaving all her stuff on the table and Rani going a shade of pink. I put my bottle on the table and get up discreetly. I tiptoe in the direction Kajol had gone, down a long alley between one trailer and another through a door and into a cool corridor. I hear a toilet flush and decide to wait-leaning on a wall. A lock turns and a door creaks open. Kajol steps out, eyes focusing on the floor. She doesn't notice I'm in the corridor until I clear my throat.
"What do you want?" She tries to barge past me but I stand in her way. She looks up from the floor, her eyes connecting with mine. "What?!"
"Are you okay?" I ask. This makes Kajol's face drop and anger fill her eyes.
"Are you being serious?" She storms, "you ignore me, follow me to the toilets all to ask me if 'I'm okay'?"
"Well what do you want me to do?" I storm back putting one hand on the wall and leaning on it.
"You're literally like a child!" Kajol laughs sarcastically, "we're not kids in the school yard!"
"Says you!" I hiss through gritted teeth, "you sleep with me then pack up and leave." This doesn't have the desired affect in fact it just makes Kajol even more angry.
"I wanted to be with you," she shouts, "but how would you feel if your husband had literally just called after you left?!" She turns and storms down the corridor so I follow her.
"I knew it was him," I say more to myself.
"I mean do you know how it feels lying to the person you love?" Kajol turns abruptly stopping me in my tracks.
"Of course I do," I think back to seeing Gauri for the first time yesterday when I arrived home. I felt so guilty for sleeping with Kajol because I truly love my wife.
"Exactly," Kajol breaks though my thoughts, "we did something stupid and now you're drawing attention to it!"
"I'm drawing attention to it?" I exclaim, "you're the one who's just had a panic attack when Rani suggests you sit next to me."
"You're the one who's not talking or even acknowledging me," Kajol shoots back pushing me.
"I did acknowledge you," I push her back.
"You sat there staring into your water bottle like it was about to sing to you or something," she shoves me back.
"Maybe if Ajay was a better husband you wouldn't have reciprocated my actions," I shout, shoving her back, "maybe then I'd never have slept with you but he's obviously not satisfying your needs." This last bit really makes Kajol steam before I now it wack her hand comes into contact with my cheek and my face is forced to the left. We both stand there in shock for a moment.
"I'm... I'm..." Kajol struggles to find the words. I rub my cheek with my left hand. It stings so badly but I don't want Kajol to see she's hurt me. "Oh god I just slapped you."
"Damn right you did," I hiss through the pain.
"I'm so sorry," Kajol takes a step towards me but tenses up.
"Yeah sure," I turn away out of frustration and make my way back down the corridor.
"Shah Rukh," I hear Kajol call after me, I just ignore her and keep walking. "Shah Rukh." I hit the door open angrily and thunder back outside. 
"Shah Rukh?" Rani's voice echoes.
"Mmm," I mumble looking up and seeing Rani at the bottom of the trailers.
"Karan's looking for you so we can start filming," she beckons me with her hand I take a brisk walk and round the corner just as Kajol barges through the door.
"Shah Rukh?" I don't bother looking back just carry on walking towards the set.

As the camera rolls I can sense Kajol watching me, I know what I said was wrong, immature, stupid but I said it because deep down she could make my heart skip a beat, my stomach flip and my breathe quicken. I try to focus on my lines but keep coming in too early or missing them completely.
"Are you alright Shah Rukh?" Amitabh laughs patting me on the back.
"Yeah sorry," I laugh back glancing over to where Kajol is sat pretending to read through her script.
"Do you know this section?" Amitabh points in his script at the scene we're supposed to have finished filming.
"Yeah I'm just not feeling it," I put my hands out in front of me like I'm holding a ball and shake them, "Karan would it be possible to film something else?" Karan looks up from his copy of the script.
"Um yeah could someone find Kajol and get her in wardrobe?" Karan calls to anyone who's listening. I see Kajol perk up at the sound of her name as a small plump woman rushes over and pulls her the direction of the wardrobe trailer. By the time she's back she's in a pink kamise, her hair braided looking spell bounding.
"Okay so everyone know what's happening in the scene?" Karan asks looking at all the actors involved. We all nod and agree before taking our places. Kajol and I stand behind a pair of heavy wooden doors waiting for Amitabh and Jaya to run through there lines quickly. We stand in silence, me looking at her whilst she gazes at the floor.
"I'm sorry you know?" I mumble, "I was just angry. It just seems like you think it's only you who has a lot to lose but so do I." I try to explain.
"I know you do," she murmurs back, "but you seem so calm about it." For the first time coming back from wardrobe Kajol looks at me.
"No it's not easy, it's just when I'm with you I feel a sense of completion," I put my hand on her back, "I dunno it just feels right."
"But we're married," Kajol sighs looking back at the floor.
"That doesn't mean you can't love someone else," I mumble as the doors open. The words shock Kajol who abruptly looks up.
"Guys!" Karan shouts across the set bringing both Kajol and I back to reality, "can you please be ready for the scene!"
"Sorry," I smile and put my hand up in an apology. The doors shut again before opening straight away, the camera rolls and the scene begins. As we 'act' it out it feels so real. The words I say to Kajol, the words she says to me. This is the scene where I tell my parents I've married Kajol's character and my father disowns me. The tears I have in my eyes are real because my parents died when I was young and never saw me marry, this scene just brings so much back for me. When we finish the scene and Karan tells us it's a wrap I stager off in the direction of a quiet corner. I sense Kajol following me but I don't mind. I just want someone to hold me.
"It's okay," Kajol whispers putting her arms around my neck. In return my arms envelope her waist and we stand there, Kajol holding me as I sob into her shoulder.
"Shah Rukh?" I hear someone calling my name and I back away from Kajol wiping my eyes diligently.
"I should go," I point around Kajol and edge past her. As I round the corner I look back and...

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