Shah Rukh Khan

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"I'm hungry!" Aryan wails as we round the corner and stop in front of our apartment. We all clamber out of the car and walk in silence towards the revolving doors and through to the lift. Kajol hasn't spoken to me since she slapped me, which she insists was 'by accident' but she's been so off lately I wouldn't be surprised if it was meant for me.
"I'll go grab a pizza," I say as the lift doors slide open, "you can take Aryan up can't you?" Kajol nods her head and presses the button for floor three. I turn and walk back towards the revolving doors then down the road to the pizza shop. I place my order and wait ten minutes. When I enter the apartment it's quiet. Kajol is sat on the sofa still dressed in her purple sari and Aryan is now in his pyjamas lying on her lap asleep. She looks up when I come in but doesn't say anything. Whatever Ajay has said to her has really effected her. I place the pizza on the coffee table.
"Looks like he needs to go to bed," I smile and Kajol nods, "maybe you should take him?"
"I'm not his mum," she retorts staring at me. So she is still holding on to what I said. I sigh, but Kajol just lifts Aryan up and carries him to his room. When she comes back out I'm stood leaning on the breakfast bar.
"What did he say?" I ask not looking up from my palms.
"What did who say?" Kajol asks walking over and taking a seat on a stool. I look up at this feeling frustrated.
"What did Ajay say?" I ask again a little more forcefully.
"I'm tired Shah Rukh," Kajol sighs sliding off the stool and walking into our bedroom. I follow her and close the door behind me to keep our voices in the room so as not to wake Aryan.
"Kajol, what did he say?" I question again as she takes off her sari and replaces it with one of my grey tops and a pair of pyjamas shorts.
"I think we need a break," the words hit me like a sheet of cold wind. I furrow my eyebrows.
"What?" I say in disbelief.
"I can sleep on the sofa tonight and be gone in the morning before Aryan wakes up, I'll go to my parents," Kajol mumbles walking towards the door. I grab her wrist as she walks past me.
"Oh no," I say feeling angry, "we are going to talk about this tonight." I try pulling her towards the bed but she resists so I put my arm around her legs and carry her over my shoulder to the bed. I put her at the top and I perch at the bottom.
"Why have you secretly been seeing Gauri?" Kajol asks. I'm taken aback.
"Who told you?" I ask, shit that sounds dodgy.
"Ajay," his name always seems to pop up.
"I didn't tell you I was seeing her because I knew you had a lot on your plate at the moment," I try to explain, "she wants to rethink the custody on Aryan forcing me to have him every other weekend so I've been seeing her to try and get her to change her mind. I've only seen her three times Kajol and the last time I saw her I told her I was going to my lawyer about it."
"So you're not getting back with her?" Kajol questions looking out the window.
"No," I laugh, "if I was going to get back with her Kajol I wouldn't be sat here with you." Kajol still doesn't look convinced.
"Are you with me because you think the 'sex is hot'?" The question takes me by surprise, Kajol never spoke like this.
"Wha-? Where is that coming from?" I place my hand on her chin and move her face so she's looking at me.
"Let's be real Shah Rukh we didn't exactly start the relationship by going on dates did we I mean we slept together the first time we had these feelings for each other so is our relationship built on just physical properties?" Kajol looks genuinely worried. She begins to bite her lip and I let my hand fall onto hers.
"Kajol we've known each other since Baazigar and we've been friends since Karan Arjun which was six years ago," I squeeze her hand, "I think I know what your personality is like and I hope you know what my personality is like."
"I'm scared," Kajol admits looking at me.
"Scared of what?" I ask.
"You've always said that being successful is nothing without a family, but what if I can't give you that?" She unhooks her hand from mine and starts to wring her hands out.
"Kajol if I could have three wishes they'd be: success, family and you. If I could have two wishes they'd be: family and you. If I could have one wish it'd be: you... and Aryan," I whisper and I can see tears forming in Kajol's eyes, "Ajay just likes to stir the pot. Of course I would of told you about Gauri but it's hard Kajol, it's hard to hear you cry at night and not feel able to just hold you. I know it's tough, and I know you worry that our relationship isn't built right but I love you Kajol and I only want to be with you." With that Kajol falls into my arms and I hold her close to me as she lets the tears flow.
"I only want you too," she sobs.
"I mean it does help that you are quite fit," I whisper into her ear, "but I'd love you anyway." I kiss her neck as she wraps her arms around my neck. Maybe things are looking up?
"I didn't mean to slap you either," Kajol hiccups and I laugh, things are looking up.

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