Shah Rukh Khan

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"So," I say playing with Kajol's hand entwining our fingers together, "is he pressuring you or not?"
"I dunno?" Kajol scrunches her face, "but would you ever ask someone to stop working so you could have a baby?" She moves her head so she can look at me. I can't help but smile-she's just beautiful.
"No but then again I'm not Ajay," I shrug. Being honest I never really hit it off with Ajay, I don't know why. It's been rumoured it's because I have more chemistry on screen with his wife than he does or that he worries Kajol might leave him for me or something like that. So in this moment when it comes to Ajay's craziness I'm not really the best person to ask, but I think Kajol knows that. I think she just wants someone to tell her that she can do what she wants to do.
"If you were Ajay I wouldn't be talking to you never mind sleeping in the same bed as you," Kajol laughs putting her head on my chest. We stay like that, Kajol on my chest me playing with her hand, for a few moments.
"Do you think it's fate?" I suddenly ask.
"Fate?" Kajol replies, I can feel her eyebrows furrow.
"Yeah like we meet, become friends, become..." I trail off. What have we become? Lovers? Marriage wreckers? Life ruiners?
"Why what have we become?" Kajol echoes my thoughts.
"I dunno what have we become?" I lean forward forcing Kajol to move off my chest. I move forward until I'm sitting upright, Kajol does the same. She puts her hand on my forearm.
"Doesn't Gauri expect you home?" I can tell by the way Kajol tests the name of my wife that it makes her feel uncomfortable.
"No she's gone to see her parents for a few days with Aryan," I smile, "you've still not answered the question." I look at her, she smiles back.
"Lovers?" Kajol elongates the word.
"Sure," I reply looking back at the wall opposite the bed.
"Are we not lovers?" Kajol shrugs.
"Doesn't 'lovers' imply that there is 'love'?" I challenge.
"Does it?" Kajol responds lying down. I turn my head to look at her, she just stares back.
"Do you love me?" I ask, feeling deep.
"I dunno, do you love me?" Kajol tries to act playful.
"Yes." I say plainly. I turn my back on her and lie down, "will you be here when I wake up or should I expect you to have left?" I know this sounds so foolish, I feel like I'm trying to provoke a reaction.
"Hey! That's not fair," Kajol sighs, "it's different this time." I feel her arm stretch over my arm and her body press against mine.
"Yeah I know sorry," I mumble.


When I wake I can hear the shower and Kajol humming to herself. I smile and try not to laugh. I stretch out across the whole bed. For some reason it feels so good to be waking up with Kajol.
"Morning," she chirps as she comes out of the bathroom and traces her finger across the wooden desk on the wall. She has a towel wrapped around her and her wet hair is loose.
"Good morning," I reply smiling, "surprised to see you this morning." Kajol laughs and shakes her head.
"Haha," she says sarcastically as she slides into the chair at the desk.
"Are you going home this morning then?" I inquire as Kajol opens a draw and pulls out a hairdryer.
"Pfft no," she sniggers, "if Ajay wants to be childish then so can I." I smile, at least she can except she is being childish too. I get up and go to use the bathroom, giving Kajol a kiss on her head as I pass. By the time I've showered, brushed my teeth and left the bathroom Kajol has a clothing bag hanging up in the empty wardrobe.
"What's that?" I ask pulling on my trousers from last night.
"Costume for set today," Kajol looks at me, "are you really going to go in like that?" She gestures to the outfit I had on last night.
"I'm going home," I laugh walking towards her and embracing her, "just because you're not." I kiss her, she tastes like toothpaste or maybe that was me.
"Whatever," Kajol smiles, "I'll see you later then?" She pushes me away playing hard to get. I tug on my shirt and slip on my shoes blowing Kajol a kiss as I leave the room making her laugh. I smile to myself as I walk to the lift-Kajol is one amazing person. I have to admit: I think it's fate that I'm falling in love with her and...

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