Shah Rukh Khan

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I clear my throat and look around the living room. It's big, with two sofas and TV on the wall opposite. I could really do with a glass of water but from the look on Shomu's face I doubt I'd get one.
"You're early," Kajol whirlwinds into the room wearing jeans, ballet pumps and a yellow shirt. She smiles at me before sitting on the arm of the sofa beside her father giving him a hug "shall we go?" I nod my head and get up quickly, I don't think I could last any longer in this room.
"I can drive," I get my car keys out and flash them to Kajol.
"I'll see you later," Kajol shouts reaching the front door followed by her father. He hugs her before kissing her head and giving me a death stare. Tanuja comes out of the kitchen and smiles at me.
"Take good care of her," she winks at me hugging Kajol-at least someone likes me around here. We squeeze out of the door and I run ahead of Kajol opening the passenger door for her.
"Thanks," she smiles getting in and buckling her seat belt. I walk round to the drivers side and slide in, "looks like you guys were having fun?" Kajol stifles a laugh.
"Haha," I say sarcastically turning the engine on and reversing off the drive, "I don't understand what I've done wrong?" I begin to drive towards the hospital. I was so excited earlier I mean it's the three month scan, the first chance to see our baby but spending five minutes with Shomu had really brought down the atmosphere.
"He's just confused," Kajol explains, "I mean I'm not even divorced from Ajay yet, they have just found out Gauri isn't pregnant with your baby even if she is insisting she is and well I am pregnant with your baby and we're not even married. He's just old fashioned like that." I nod my head. It has been tough. Since Kajol told me she's pregnant we've started spending time together in the public eye, showing people we are a couple but the headlines haven't exactly been forgiving. Since she's not divorced yet it has caused a stir and to top it off she's now three months pregnant-out of wedlock! Karan has also had some withdrawals about it. He worries that it'll take away from the film which is too be released in December and it was already coming up to November. We walk into the reception area and follow the signs pointing to the maternity unit. I can't help but feel as though everyone is looking at us, judging us. I think Kajol realises I'm uncomfortable because she takes my hand in hers and continues to walk through the hospital confidently. She is seriously infectious.
"Miss Mukherjee," she tells the receptionist who tells us to take a seat and wait for our name to be called out.
"Thought you weren't divorced yet?" I joke as Kajol flicks through a magazine. She shrugs a smile playing on her lips.
"I thought by changing my name he'd realise I'm serious about not getting back with him," Kajol says not looking up from the magazine. Good point.
"Miss Mukherjee," a doctor in a white coat calls from a door. Kajol flops the magazine back onto the pile and walks towards the door with me on her trail. She lies on a bed and I can feel butterflies starting to take flight in my stomach. I felt the exact same way when Gauri had her first scan with Aryan. I sit on a chair next to the bed as Kajol pulls her shirt up and the doctor places a square of material around her stomach. A pale blue gel is then squeezed onto her stomach and Kajol grasps my hand. I can tell she's nervous so I clasp her hand with both my hands. I take some deep breathes as the doctor places an ultrasound stick onto Kajol's stomach and there it is on the screen.
"Head," the doctor points to the screen, "hands, arms, legs, feet." It's amazing. There on the screen is our baby, half me half Kajol, growing until it will pop out into this world.
"Wow," Kajol breathes staring intensively at the screen.
"Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" The doctor asks smiling at us. We both must look really strange staring at the screen mouths wide open, eyes like saucers.
"You can do that?" Kajol asks excitedly. I smile.
"Yes," the doctor presses a button and the rapid beat of our babies heart echoes around the room. It just makes everything seem so real. This is how my life should be. I should be with Kajol, starting a family and sharing special moments with her. She looks at me, pure joy on her face. I feel like this moments is what I've been building myself up for.
"I'll leave you two for a moment to write some notes, you're baby is healthy and stong which is a good sign. You don't require another scan until you're around five months. How many copies of the scan would you like?" The doctor gets up from her chair with a clipboard, turning the heartbeat off placing the stick back into its holder. The screen still shows the baby, but what the doctor has just recorded.
"Um," Kajol looks at me, I shrug. Who would we give them too? It's not like her fathers exactly pleased about having a grandchild is he?!
"Four?" Kajol mumbles and the doctor nods her head and leaves.
"Four?" I ask watching the baby moves on the screen.
"One for me, one for you, one for my parents, one for your sister?" Kajol asks not taking her eyes from the screen. She has no idea my surprise for her.

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