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I've been timing things perfectly. It's been exactly three weeks since the miscarriage which means it's been two weeks since we cremated our son and two weeks since I 'made-up' with Shah Rukh. If I've timed things correctly right now will be the best time to try for a baby, not that I'm going to tell Shah Rukh that-he worries it's too soon.
"I'll take Aryan home," Shah Rukh puts his arms around me and kisses my neck.
"Okay," I smile placing my hands over his.
"Why don't you come?" Shah Rukh whispers as Aryan races out of his room with his rucksack.

"Because I've got to prepare for a surprise for you," I turn in Shah Rukh's arms and kiss him as a giant grin takes over his face.
"Ew, gross," Aryan laughs which makes us all laugh. Shah Rukh removes his hands and walks towards the door.
"Bye Aryan," I say as he hugs me, and hugs me, and hugs me, and hugs me, "um Aryan?"
"Mmm," he mumbles still hugging me. After the bust up that was the film premiere Aryan had spent last weekend with a happy couple and spent this weekend with an even happier couple.
"Aryan?" Shah Rukh asks and he finally unhooks his hands from my waist.
"Bye Kajol," he waves running over to the door and slipping on his shoes. I wave back smiling.
"Looking forward to my surprise," Shah Rukh winks at me before closing the door. Now I just have to prepare his surprise.


When Shah Rukh gets back from dropping off Aryan I have set the table for two people with Shah Rukh's favourite meal and a candle in the middle. When we've finished eating I lead Shah Rukh towards the sofa and turn the TV on and press play. Shah Rukh's face lights up as his favourite film begins to play. He sits on the sofa and I curl up next to him passing him some popcorn.
"What have you done?" Shah Rukh whispers into my ear and I just smile. Nothing, yet. When the film ends I turn the TV off and kiss Shah Rukh passionately on the lips. He seems to get the gist as he gets up off the sofa and leads me into the bedroom. I pull his t-shirt over his head as he unzips the back of my dress. I feel Shah Rukh's hands caress my body as he places me on the bed.
"I love you," I whisper as he kisses my neck.


It's been three weeks since my little surprise for Shah Rukh. If alls gone well this test in my hand should be positive. I try to focus on my breathing as I watch the seconds on the clock tick by. 33, 34, 35... Shah Rukh shouldn't be home for another two hours which gives me enough time to get rid of the evidence. The clock hits 12:02 and I close my eyes. I hold the stick out in front of me and open my eyes. Two blue lines. Two!
"Yes!" I shout and get up off the bed. I do a little dance. I'm pregnant! After the ecstasy hits me I calm down. I go back into the bathroom and grab the test box shoving the stick back inside it. I grab the pharmacy bag and stick the box in that. Then I go to the kitchen and grab a bag from under the sink putting the pharmacy bag in the new bag. I tie a knot in the plain bag and walk to the door. I slip on some pumps and make my way to the lift. I take the black bag to the bin down the street and shove it in the hole. If all goes well now I should be able to do a retest in a months time and then be able to tell Shah Rukh. Just the thought of telling him he'll be a dad is enough to make me smile like an idiot.
"And what are you doing staring at a bin?" A familiar voice says behind me. I turn to see Shah Rukh smiling at me. I run towards him and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I love you so much," I say and kiss his cheek.
"Okay?" Shah Rukh laughs picking me up and spinning me round.
"Did you take the job?" I ask as he puts me down and I try to put a lid on my joy.
"Yeah so I'll be filming in the upcoming months," he smiles.
"Good," I kiss him again and walk back to the apartment holding hands.

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