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"Please just go," I stammer through my tears, but Shah Rukh doesn't move.
"Kajol don't push me away," he whispers. I feel his hand touch my cheek and move my face to look at him.
"I'm just doing what's best," I whisper back feeling my hand reach for his.
"Shutting me out isn't what's best though," Shah Rukh continues shaking his head.
"Don't you think it's fate?" I ask him the question he had asked me so long ago, when I had said we were lovers and he had implied 'lovers' meant 'loving'. At that moment in time I thought it was just a faze-I didn't love Shah Rukh. I didn't realise then that I would fall for him.
"That we met: yes," Shah Rukh smiles a sad smile.
"That I lost this baby?" I whimper, looking down at my hand on his hand.
"Kajol," Shah Rukh whispers, "it could have happened to anyone." But it hadn't happened to anyone-it had happened to us. I had had an ectopic pregnancy, I had been in surgery having one of my Fallopian tubes taken out, I had lost our baby.
"But it didn't did it," I laugh bitterly, "it happened to us. We've lied to so many people Shah Rukh, hurt so many people." I remove my hand from his and force him to remove his hand from my cheek.
"Kajol it's said that as a single human we are only half. When we meet our partners and we marry we become a whole. When I married Gauri I was still incomplete but meeting you it filled that part of me and made me complete," I say trying to hold back my tears, "don't make me incomplete again." I just look at him because right now that's all I can do-I don't have the heart to break him right now. We sit like this for a couple of minutes, just looking at each other willing each other to say anything. Then the door opens and Rani walks back in. Well there is no way of wriggling out of this one. Rani sits in the armchair as Shah Rukh gets up off my bed and goes to stand by the window.
"Is everything okay?" Rani asks seeing my freshly red rimmed eyes. I nod my head.
"We have to tell her," Shah Rukh mumbles from across the room. I know we do, I can't keep lying anymore.
"Tell me what?" Rani questions looking at me.
"It... It was..." I just can't get the words out. If I tell Rani then it just makes everything seem so real. Right now even though I've told Shah Rukh it was his baby I still believed it was Ajay's. I was still in a bubble of denial but telling Rani, that would burst the bubble I've managed to live in. After taking a deep breath I realise I can't keep lying, "it was Shah Rukh's baby." Now I've said the words I can never take them back, Rani can never unhear them, they are out there forever.
"You mean?" Rani looks at Shah Rukh who's looking at the floor. "Kajol, what have you done?" Rani turns to look at me.
"I think you should go," I murmur to Shah Rukh who just leaves. Then it's just me and Rani alone in the hospital room.
"He won't come," Rani refers to Ajay, "he's very angry." I turn my face away. It just seems like I've ruined everything. Ajay won't talk to me, Rani seems disgusted by my actions and Shah Rukh... He just doesn't understand what needs to be done.
"I'm sorry Rani," I mumble, "I'm so sorry..."

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